November 25, 2008

29 days...

That's how long you have to get your christmas gifts :)
Isn't it a bit too early you say?
No way!!!! maybe a teeny weeny bit too early....but its christmas!
Andddd..for some of you...end year bonus!
Go...splash it all off on goodies and stuff you think you need...but you actually dont! :D

Some gifts are already ticked off my list...some still deciding on....

I shall continue drafting my letter to Santa...hmmm...anyone have any interesting wish lists?


At 2:24 PM, Blogger mEeRa said...

hmmm ... can I get a fisherman hat?

At 3:19 PM, Blogger cath said...

can do...but you have to give a me valid reason

At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

fisherman hat?? when are u gonna go fishing wei and where?? Back in kluang??? maybe u can join my dad for fishing..thats his weekly agenda now....!!!

-rach molu

At 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

New hobby Meeva? I wanna come! :)



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