Wow...i was alive to witness the 1st african-american presidante of the US of A.Way cool!!!
3 things that i want to indulge in if i ever go to the land of A-ME-RI-CA (read ala west side story):
1. I want to eat hotdogs at any hot dog stands in the streets of NY
2. I want to eat yummy pepperoni pizza from an italian deli that is located in front of ANOTHER italian deli and they have ancient history of rivalry with each other
3. I want to eat at one of those diners that serve greasy and unhealthy fried bacon and scrambled eggs with black coffee for brekkie. I will go back in the evening to eat pie!
oink oink.....
I've become ill..
My stomach acids are rebelling against me..
Now im better but i think i've lost more weight...dont anyone dare say im anorexic...i'll literally bite your friggin' head off...
Im so fed up with ppl nagging me all the time saying "you're too thin...eat more..."
For heavens sake, i am!!! and you know shit about what pain i go through!!! *#@&***!!!
Now my back's aching..i blame it all on this shit-hole of an office that i have to come to every day. I hate work...its not even my job. Its just work!
The car park is an approx 300m unsheltered WALK away and the food here SUCKS!
I need some christmas spirit :(
so malaysian of you to talk about the food you want to eat in the US. :-)
But I sooooo much appreciate being taken to new food places by locals - so keep it up! :-)
food! glorious food! :D
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