November 20, 2008


I went to the specialist clinic to check out my stomach and i had to go through a scope.
There are 2 kinds of scopes, one that goes through your mouth, and another that goes up your @$$ :p
Mine was through the mouth...thank goodness!

So i didnt eat anything from 1opm the night before.
I lied on the examination table, and the nurse sprays this gross-tasting liquid down my throat...few seconds later, my whole throat goes numb. Funny feeling!

Then comes the scary part, the doc needs to put in an IV. He tells me, im every doctor's nightmare...small veins! He attempts to poke me, and i let out an couple of "ouch-es"...its hurts like mad!!!! He finally sticks the IV in im relieved. He injects some medication into the IV.

Doc: This is gonna make you feel sleepy...are you feeling sleepy?
Me: *blink blink*...nope!
Doc: Here's a bit more....are you feeling sleepy...
Me: ...........................................................................

Next thing i know, the nurse is waking me getting transferred to another bed to sleep off the medication. Its a wonder drug. I love it! :D

Stomach is all fine....i even have a copy of the scan recorded on DVD! :)
I'm gonna stay away from needles for a while...


At 4:47 PM, Blogger mEeRa said...

druggie! now i know who might appreciate my happy brownies (if i ever make them) ...
Hey can upload the clip in facebook ar .. kinda bored at work nowdays. Can watch it during lunch time. :D

At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey i dont mind watching too!! How about urs Rao, the one on ur kneecap surgery? Yea..upload that too.

-rach molu

At 3:18 PM, Blogger cath said...

yes i would definitely love to try them "brownies"

and a video of my insides and PRIVATE! not any form of entertainment for either of you! :P


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