November 11, 2008

Mixed and proud of it :)

A recent chat with a friend brought back all my thoughts of being of mixed parentage.
Typical scenario: Guy meets girl, guy meets the parents, parents say "but he's not.....<insert race here>.

I think somewhere in my archive of older posts, i would've already written about this.
If i've said it, im saying it again.
If i havent already said it, here it is:

Screw all you ppl who think your race is far superior compared to other races.
Screw all you ppl who stop and stare at mixed families, like we're some sort of outcast.
Screw all you ppl who make mixed-race ppl feel like they need to belong to ONE race.
Screw friggin you!

I used to feel a little weird....trying to fit in to different groups of ppl. Language was always a barrier. I overcame it...i learnt to accept it.

All i know is, wayyyy back, i decided that i no more need to fit in to any ONE race.
No one should :)


At 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think mixed races are the cutest people - they have the best of everything! ;-)


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