October 21, 2008


And i don't mean monk as in chinese-holy-priest like monk.
I mean Monk as in the tv series.

Sometimes i cant help but being monk-like but not to the extreme of having everything on my tables aligned in exact milimeters apart :)

2 things i just cant stand:
Walking into the house, and having the feel of grainy sand on the floor.
Wet bathroom floors, only the shower area is meant to be wet!

On a different topic, don't you just love to walk around in the household area of shopping malls?
I think i inherited this from my mom. I love looking (and always buying at least 1) at rugs, towels, bedsheets etc. Every year i wait and wait for the ikea catalogue to come out. Takes me at least a month to digest all the different pictures in there.....maybe i should think of going into interior designing? nope..not enough of creative brain cells yet :)


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