November 25, 2008

29 days...

That's how long you have to get your christmas gifts :)
Isn't it a bit too early you say?
No way!!!! maybe a teeny weeny bit too early....but its christmas!
Andddd..for some of you...end year bonus!
Go...splash it all off on goodies and stuff you think you need...but you actually dont! :D

Some gifts are already ticked off my list...some still deciding on....

I shall continue drafting my letter to Santa...hmmm...anyone have any interesting wish lists?

November 20, 2008


I went to the specialist clinic to check out my stomach and i had to go through a scope.
There are 2 kinds of scopes, one that goes through your mouth, and another that goes up your @$$ :p
Mine was through the mouth...thank goodness!

So i didnt eat anything from 1opm the night before.
I lied on the examination table, and the nurse sprays this gross-tasting liquid down my throat...few seconds later, my whole throat goes numb. Funny feeling!

Then comes the scary part, the doc needs to put in an IV. He tells me, im every doctor's nightmare...small veins! He attempts to poke me, and i let out an couple of "ouch-es"...its hurts like mad!!!! He finally sticks the IV in im relieved. He injects some medication into the IV.

Doc: This is gonna make you feel sleepy...are you feeling sleepy?
Me: *blink blink*...nope!
Doc: Here's a bit more....are you feeling sleepy...
Me: ...........................................................................

Next thing i know, the nurse is waking me getting transferred to another bed to sleep off the medication. Its a wonder drug. I love it! :D

Stomach is all fine....i even have a copy of the scan recorded on DVD! :)
I'm gonna stay away from needles for a while...

November 11, 2008

Mixed and proud of it :)

A recent chat with a friend brought back all my thoughts of being of mixed parentage.
Typical scenario: Guy meets girl, guy meets the parents, parents say "but he's not.....<insert race here>.

I think somewhere in my archive of older posts, i would've already written about this.
If i've said it, im saying it again.
If i havent already said it, here it is:

Screw all you ppl who think your race is far superior compared to other races.
Screw all you ppl who stop and stare at mixed families, like we're some sort of outcast.
Screw all you ppl who make mixed-race ppl feel like they need to belong to ONE race.
Screw friggin you!

I used to feel a little weird....trying to fit in to different groups of ppl. Language was always a barrier. I overcame it...i learnt to accept it.

All i know is, wayyyy back, i decided that i no more need to fit in to any ONE race.
No one should :)

November 10, 2008

Get real....

There's so much craziness, surrounding me
There's so much going on, it gets hard to breathe
When all my faith has gone, you bring it back to me
You make it real for me

When I'm not sure of, my priorities
When I've lost site of, where I'm meant to be
Like holy water, washing over me
You make it real for me

And I'm running to you baby
You are the only one who saved me
That's why I've been missing you lately
Cause you make it real for me

When my head is strong, but my heart is weak
I'm full of arrogance, and uncertainty
But I can find the words, you teach my heart to speak
You make it real for me

Everybody's talking in words I don't understand
You got to be the only one
Who knows just who I am
Your shining in the distance
I hope I can make it through
Cause the only place
That I want to be
Is right back home with you

I guess there's so much more
I have to learn
But if you're here with me
I know which way to turn
You always give me somewhere,
Somewhere I can learn

YOU make it real for me

-james morrison-

November 05, 2008


Wow...i was alive to witness the 1st african-american presidante of the US of A.
Way cool!!!

3 things that i want to indulge in if i ever go to the land of A-ME-RI-CA (read ala west side story):

1. I want to eat hotdogs at any hot dog stands in the streets of NY

2. I want to eat yummy pepperoni pizza from an italian deli that is located in front of ANOTHER italian deli and they have ancient history of rivalry with each other

3. I want to eat at one of those diners that serve greasy and unhealthy fried bacon and scrambled eggs with black coffee for brekkie. I will go back in the evening to eat pie!

oink oink.....


I've become ill..
My stomach acids are rebelling against me..

Now im better but i think i've lost more weight...dont anyone dare say im anorexic...i'll literally bite your friggin' head off...
Im so fed up with ppl nagging me all the time saying "you're too more..."
For heavens sake, i am!!! and you know shit about what pain i go through!!! *#@&***!!!
Now my back's aching..i blame it all on this shit-hole of an office that i have to come to every day. I hate work...its not even my job. Its just work!
The car park is an approx 300m unsheltered WALK away and the food here SUCKS!
I need some christmas spirit :(

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