September 17, 2009

What's in a name.....

My entire life i've always gotten myself into this very TYPICAL scenario:
While doing ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that requires my name, these words haunt me....."FULL NAME PLEASE"

What the!!!! think i don't know what "full name" means?
You think i don't know MY OWN FULL NAME!!!!!
Good gracious!!!

This morning, i called up the hospital to make an appointment for one of those Exec Health Screenings (my oh-so-generous company has given us a 1k claimable amount to go for it).

Admin Lady: Ms or Madam?
Moi: Ms
Admin Lady: Full name
Moi: insert full name here
Admin Lady: FULL NAME pls

And after that, Admin Lady was very nice to me....hmph!
Make me so geram!

Oh well...a lot of times i've been asked: How come no chinese name?
Well...with or without one...i am me! :)

p/s: Filing out forms is a breeze for me :p


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