April 02, 2006

Bored on Sunday Morning

If you read kenny, you would seen one of his latest posts on this.

My heritage. Its a really fun thing to do..after registering yourself (its easy peasy)..just crop up a few photos of yourself..upload it to the site and wahla!...you are matched to the celebrity you most look like. I tried 2 photos of myself (brace yourselves for some upclose shots of my dark-pinched-prickled face)

Picture 1:

My celebrity match:

Not bad huh...hahaha...now we try another picture...

Picture 2:

My celebrity match:

Not bad again!!hahahaha...

You know what's freaky? Most peoply say my sis & i look very much alike...some even say we're twins (go get your eyes checked missy!!)...anyway...she and i both tried this my heritage thingy and guess wat? We were both matched to Kelly Clarkson!!

Try it out! You just HAVE to!!Sure kembang once you get your celebrity match ;)


At 9:59 AM, Blogger Da Mann said...

Tia Carrera ? Isn't she a porn star ?
Oh wait...that's Asia Carrera...sorry sorry. =p

At 1:00 PM, Blogger cath said...

Oh wait...isnt rocko a porn star? Sorry dude...i'm don't know porn stars...but i hear he looks like you :p

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Da Mann said...

*sigh* This is a classic case of shooting myself in the foot.

And whatever tall tales Superman has fed you with...it's just that...a tall tale.Do not believe em.

At 8:47 AM, Blogger chris said...

sisters sisters... no one can resist us. LOL

At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kelly clackson !! nah i feel u look beter than her.. and chris too .maybe both look like kristanna loken :P my fav k .

At 12:55 AM, Blogger mEeRa said...

I don't like this heritage thingy ... First photo I tried, I matched 59% to Daniel Radcliff. I tried another photo and I matched 61% to Chester Bennington(woo hoo!). First try, I got Harry "the Pothead" Potter and the second try, I got Linkin Park's lead singer. Anyway, the point is they are both guys! why ... *sob *sob

At 10:04 AM, Blogger cath said...

errr...dino...did u set the gender to "female"....????


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