Bored on Sunday Morning
If you read kenny, you would seen one of his latest posts on this.My heritage. Its a really fun thing to do..after registering yourself (its easy peasy)..just crop up a few photos of yourself..upload it to the site and wahla! are matched to the celebrity you most look like. I tried 2 photos of myself (brace yourselves for some upclose shots of my dark-pinched-prickled face)
Picture 1:
My celebrity match:
Not bad we try another picture...
Picture 2:
My celebrity match:
Not bad again!!hahahaha...
You know what's freaky? Most peoply say my sis & i look very much alike...some even say we're twins (go get your eyes checked missy!!)...anyway...she and i both tried this my heritage thingy and guess wat? We were both matched to Kelly Clarkson!!
Try it out! You just HAVE to!!Sure kembang once you get your celebrity match ;)
Tia Carrera ? Isn't she a porn star ?
Oh wait...that's Asia Carrera...sorry sorry. =p
Oh wait...isnt rocko a porn star? Sorry dude...i'm don't know porn stars...but i hear he looks like you :p
*sigh* This is a classic case of shooting myself in the foot.
And whatever tall tales Superman has fed you's just that...a tall tale.Do not believe em.
sisters sisters... no one can resist us. LOL
kelly clackson !! nah i feel u look beter than her.. and chris too .maybe both look like kristanna loken :P my fav k .
I don't like this heritage thingy ... First photo I tried, I matched 59% to Daniel Radcliff. I tried another photo and I matched 61% to Chester Bennington(woo hoo!). First try, I got Harry "the Pothead" Potter and the second try, I got Linkin Park's lead singer. Anyway, the point is they are both guys! why ... *sob *sob
errr...dino...did u set the gender to "female"....????
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