Stoned by a lorry
I’ve come to a conclusion that I am cursed when it comes to car windscreens..When I was driving my sis’s car…the windscreen cracked twice!
The first..i didn’t even notice until I was reversing out of the porch for work. That we had to replace. The second time..i was driving to work. A bloody huge stone dropped off a lorry and flew right into the windscreen. This time I was just a tiny dot..which later became star-shaped.
I’ve scarred that car and given it back to her…
Today on my way to work…I got hit by a stone again!!!
I’m driving on the highway mind you…not some old kampong road with stones scattered all over the place for heavens sake!
Now I’ve got a small tiny stone nicely smashed into my screen…gahhh!!!

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Based on the diagram....i have a bulls-eye...
hmmnn... you got a "crack" the first time, and now there's a "star" on my car and a "bullseye" on yours.
hello AAM? i need to insure my car screen against my sister :P
try to avoid following pickup trucks, lorries, large 4wds like Pajeros or Land Rovers...and the middle lane has the least stones...
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