March 01, 2006

Ashes to ashes...

Dust to dust….

Its Ash Wednesday today. It’s a universal day of fast and abstinence for Catholics although it is entirely up to the individual how or what they will “sacrifice” throughout this season of Lent. I remember when I was young; my Lentern sacrifice was to put in 10sen-1dollar a day in a coin box which will be given towards some sort of charity at the end of Lent. This time around….i still haven’t decided yet…so far…it’s giving up on McD’s for a whole month…but of course this doesn’t benefit the good of the world in anyway except me trying to keep low on the oils and fats...

Its time to repent…..


At 9:04 AM, Blogger chris said...

ooooh! you're serious about this eh? well one week down!


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