March 09, 2006


Or at least i *think* thats what the song know that song that's always playing in the clubs...and then the crowd always shouts "kulooooo"...

Its been a crazy week at work. I don’t even have time to look at the time anymore…
Weekends have been spent catching up on sleep. Although that didn’t really work out last weekend since the gang went for a birthday night out @ Absolute.
I’m starting to like that place…compared to the “Lockup”. It has a bigger dance floor and we get to hang at the perfect table thanks to our VIP treatment. Its great knowing someone who knows someone who knows someone to get us in :D
Although the guys did take a while to walk away…or should I say look away from the Lockup. They were all drooling at a lady in red…getting it on…caged on top of the bar. Talk about dahsyat moves man….

Will be heading down to Ipoh this weekend. Its my grandma’s 90th birthday!!!
I’ll be lucky if I live to 70..what with all this stress, diseases, global warming, global pollution, fatty food etc etc….

*Random Rambles*
Everytime I want to say K-Town-Clan(or is it Klan?)…I say Ku Klux Klan :D
Have u heard their new song? There’s one part I always catch…goes something like rap:the gingerbread man..the gingerbread man...



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