Black Cloud

There’s a black cloud hovering above me today..
I got up feeling really happy…coz I’m on leave tomorrow and this is kinda like Friday for me…
I reversed out the driveway and didn’t bother looking back..just as I braked..i realized I was an inch away from backing into my sis’s car!! Phewww…that was close…
*thank you god for watching over me*
Next as I drive sleepily towards the toll…just when I positioned the TAG to be flashed….SHIT!!!there’s no card in it!...immediate swerve to the next lane…and frantically search for my touch n go card before the car behind starts honking me…
As soon as I reach office…I get an email from my boss…crap!....i’m screwed…they’re in a meeting now….i hope I don’t get into too much trouble….
I want my mommyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
update: it wasn't my fault!!!i'm happy again...
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