Kelisa...oh Kelisa...
I kena tipu laaaaaa
The car dealer was just bluffing when he said my car is ready.
He was so sure that my car was in stock and I will be able to get it less than a week after signing the loan forms. Now after signing the loan forms, he calls me to say the colour that I wanted is not in stock and I would have to wait for dunno how long until its ready.
If I wanted the normal silver colored car, I wouldn’t have to wait…but i really want the grey one…so I’m gonna wait….will continue using my sis’s car until then…:D
Besides that, I’ve been swamped with work at the office. No time to chat…no time to get on the net.
Let's play "Which boss is better"!!!
Scenario A: Calling me up on the phone
Lady Boss: Hi. Please come over to my desk now.
Cute Man Boss: Hi! Could you please come over to go through some stuff? Thanks.
Scenario B: Assigning work
Lady Boss: *thru email* I want you to do this. Refer to the attachment.
Cute Man Boss: *thru email* Pls go through these attachments and I’ll come over and explain them to you in a while. Thanks.
Scenario C: Upon completion of work
Lady Boss: *thru email* Not what I want. Please come over to discuss.
Cute Man Boss: *thru email* Thanks. *and if there’s corrections*
I think you should replace --this-- with -–this-- instead.
And the winner is.......*drumroll*......kinda obvious right?
pssstttttt: No offence to the lady bosses who read this...i'm sure you are all very nice :o)
damn right i'm nice! hmph...
i've met cute man boss! heehee
OoOooooo....guy bosses rox
EH...saya dengar keta dah sampai!
*beep* *beep*
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