February 07, 2006

*Dong Dong Cheng*

The one thing I always look forward to during CNY is the lion dance.
When I was a kid, the minute I heard the beating of those massive drums, I would get on my bike and ride all around my taman searching for the lion dance troupe.
I find the lion’s pretty cute la…the way the shake their heads and blink-blink…
And the guys underneath the suits…damn skilled!!can jump up n down…as well as peel & decorate mountains of oranges and melons.

Today, is my company’s Get Together 2006…celebrating CNY for all employees…
the lion dance troupe was damn chun! World Champion Lion Dance troupe from Muar ...dont “pray-pray” ok! And since the big boss lady of my dept is a big fan of feng-shui and all that is lucky….2 lions came in all the way to our dept! they peeled lucky oranges in the head’s rooms and plucked ang pows off the ceiling…cute fella’s! There were 8 of em’ outside doing some massive acrobatic jumps on steel poles.

photo source: http://www.cs.ust.hk/

The food was lousy…what do u expect…we got to toss some yee sang and the rest was the usual stuffla. Performances was not bad..Ning belted out 3 Whitney songs and a Chinese one too!..some AF2 contestants performed as well(i have no clue who they were)…and also Nikki(Msian Idol1) managed to "pull a Mariah" which was quite good!


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