January 09, 2006

Brand new wheels...

Rejoice rejoice…
I never ever EVER have to ever ever ever take public transport OR depend on anyone else to lend me their cars…..my car loan has been approved!!!!
So it’ll be a week before my new Kelisa arrives. Its gonna be a 1.0 Manual dark grey-ish color.

What shall I name her then…


At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

weeeeehooooo...new car. that's a big step gal. Ur first official property.that spells for COMMITMENT. on the other hand,say hello to FREEDOM!!!!and surely a call for CELEBRATION!!!! Well, congrats. cant wait to test drive,that is if i'm allowed to la;)

At 9:24 AM, Blogger cath said...

woah...did u just think of that whole rhyme thingy? You got too much time man!!!!LOL...
test drive ar?sure...no problem...
same as your old car la babe...diff colour only..

At 1:36 PM, Blogger Da Mann said...

It's a "she" ? Well...I bet she's gonna get a pretty good "ride" (pun intended) ! Lol !

How bout naming "her" ...ME (Matikan Enjin)? =p

At 2:33 PM, Blogger chris said...

how come it's a she?

At 2:55 PM, Blogger cath said...

sara! :o :o :o
tsk tsk....she's just a little baby!

no reasonla...maybe i'll make it a he...gotta think of the name first :D

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooo manual can save more petrol..


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