Brand new wheels...
Rejoice rejoice…I never ever EVER have to ever ever ever take public transport OR depend on anyone else to lend me their cars… car loan has been approved!!!!
So it’ll be a week before my new Kelisa arrives. Its gonna be a 1.0 Manual dark grey-ish color.
What shall I name her then…
6 Comments: car. that's a big step gal. Ur first official property.that spells for COMMITMENT. on the other hand,say hello to FREEDOM!!!!and surely a call for CELEBRATION!!!! Well, congrats. cant wait to test drive,that is if i'm allowed to la;)
woah...did u just think of that whole rhyme thingy? You got too much time man!!!!LOL...
test drive ar? problem...
same as your old car la babe...diff colour only..
It's a "she" ? Well...I bet she's gonna get a pretty good "ride" (pun intended) ! Lol !
How bout naming "her" ...ME (Matikan Enjin)? =p
how come it's a she?
sara! :o :o :o
tsk tsk....she's just a little baby!
no reasonla...maybe i'll make it a he...gotta think of the name first :D
Oooo manual can save more petrol..
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