January 11, 2006

They call him...

Slim Shady a.k.a Marshall Mathers a.k.a Eminem
I’ve been a fan ever since I listened to “My Name is..”
Sure his lyrics are controversial…sure he swears a lot!....sure he grabs his "you-know-what" a lot!...but I think to be able to create those songs and rap em’ the way he does is really awesome! Ok so the movie was kinda cacat la...but he won a grammy for it!
And the vids are super duper cekap!! My fav has to be “Without Me”…
I guess people are starting to get tired of listening to him rap 'bout his problematic family so he’s officially retiring from the music scene with his greatest hits album “Curtain Call”.

“ And when I’m gone…just carry on don’t mourn…rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice….”


At 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

u talking about Eminem reminded me of something, our voice recording. lol....man that was sooo fun!!! we practically lost ourself that few days for a voice over mic. still having ur version that song:8 mile. hahaha
if only i can upload them here...can arr??

At 12:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a rapper in the making....

At 12:20 PM, Blogger cath said...

yea...i still have it too..
copyrighted k...you are NOT allowed to upload it anywhere! Or even play it for anyone other than the hsemates to hear!


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