December 28, 2005

Post Christmas

Christmas was a good one this year.
I ate and ate ever since we reached ipoh.
Everything was pretty much the the relatives…christmas eve gathering…christmas day mass and dinner…but this time, I did something I never knew I had the courage to do.

I pierced my nose.

Now I am one who cant stand pain! I teared while I pierced my ears, I hate injections, I cant stand stomach cramps….I carry ponstant pills around with me everywhere I go!I’ve been wanting to get a nose stud for quite a while now…just been putting it off…and finally this time…I told myself I will do matter what..
Here I was thinking that it’ll be the so called “ant-bite” pain like the ear piercings…
I was soooooooooooo wrong!They don’t pierce your nose using a gun…its too dangerous…so they just attach a small needle like thingy to the end of your nose stud and force it through with bare hands!!!OMG!!!!I dunno what came over me….but I just closed my eyes and went through with it. My aunt, sis n cousin were there to gimme some support….the whole process was even caught on film!!!1 freaking minute!!!1!!!That’s how long it took to poke the damn needle!!!Imagine my pain!!!!
My poor nose was blue-black and swollen for the next 2 days…sighhhh…I’m not suppose to get it wet for a week so that it’ll heal properly.

Me: See my new nose piercing pain you know…
Everyone: aiyoo/wahh…why’d you do it?
Me: Dunnola…simply..i like it..
Everyone: *mad girl*

So that was the most memorable event this Christmas. Am waiting to go get myself a nice diamond $tud.

Oh, we played charades, paper dance and limbo after Christmas dinner. Thanks to my cousin’s strong arms and my “light” weight…we won the paper dance!!!Yayyy!!!


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