December 21, 2005

Pumping petrol

Yesterday, I was pumping petrol @ my usual petrol station.
I noticed that the damn pump was taking super long to fill up and I was getting a little bugged! Suddenly, the meter just stopped running!

Me: Huh???What the heck!!!
*knock on the passenger window to get my sis’s attention*
Sis: What?
Me: The pump has stopped! The meter just stopped!
Sis: What the heck!!!!

Then I realized that all 10 pumps have all stopped!!!I call out the to gas attendant
Me: Minyak sudah habis ar?
Then he comes running.
Gas man1: *laughs* kejap ye!
and rushes to the back of the station.

I’m still standing there..confused as ever! Then I loudly ask the gas attendant on the other end
Me: Minyak sudah habis ar?
Gas man2: *nods*
Me: Aiyooo..macam ini pun boleh kahhh!!!

And then we waited n waited until they “switch” gas taps and the pumps start running again.

This whole new experience got me n my sis thinking…how the heck does the damned gas station function? Dad a.k.a Mr.Know-It-All explained and now we know…

Do you?


At 11:34 AM, Blogger Da Mann said...

Sila matikan enjin!

Whatever you do at the petrol station...don't forget that ! =p

At 5:37 PM, Blogger cath said...



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