November 22, 2005

Routine Crash

I get up everyday at 7am to get ready for work. But this morning, I had to get up at 6:30 to send my sis out early for work. I drove half-asleep to the train station and back, then sambung sleep for another 20 mins until it was 7.

My usual routine is wash-up, take my bath, get dressed, make my morning cup of coffee and drink it while watching the 2nd half of F.R.I.E.N.D.S reruns on tv, before I leave at 7:45.

Today however, there was a very small, creepy creature that totally messed up my routine. You’ll never guess….it was a tiny maggot!!!As it is I’m so blur blur in the mornings, I suddenly saw it happily crawling all across my kitchen floor. I squinted at first to focus and try figuring out what it was exactly…and then my eyes almost dropped out of their sockets…there was a whole colony of em’ crawling around!!gahhhhhh….soooooooo icky man!!!I traced it back to the rubbish bin.

*MOMENT: If only mom was here to nag about throwing out the rubbish on Sunday!*

Haihhhh…wat to do…sprayed the creepy crawlies and swept em’ all up…just incase they were like the super-baby-mosquitoes that weren’t affected by the insect spray.
Added a whole 15 mins to my routine, and had to drive extra fast to catch up and reach office on time.

What a havoc morning it has been!


At 10:02 AM, Blogger chris said...

yuckety yuck yuck

At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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