Big Bang @ Bang-sar!
Time: 10:30pm and it starts.....
I had a blasttttttt in bangsar…club 11:15 is the place to be!
Yay me!!!It started off pretty slow…but once the ladies did their special “dance” on the bartop, we knew the night had just begun.
We opened a bottle of JD and drank the night away…even managed to get dino very tipsy at the end of the night…I don’t even wanna get started on rach’s condition…first time I ever saw her like that I tell ya! There were really chun chics on the dance floor.
Man they could dance…and super energized too!non-stop booty shaking and wiggly hips throughout the night.
Some other friends (Arvind & gang) joined us a lil’ later on and added to the kecoh-ness of our party. Bought the rest a round of tequila shots.
Managed to dance to all our fav.clubbing songs and booty shake as well..haha..
Had a fantastic time with the gang! What shall we do on new years eve guys???
Oh, and on a special note: Happy Birthday Vicky!
Lucky you man, even Snoop Dogg came to the party.
Snoop Dogg?Who?What?Where?
Some wannabe Indian dude got into his Snoop Dogg outfit for clubbing that night. Perfect outfit! From the bandana to the senget cap to the matching track suit and white sneakers. He even brought along a grand total of 1 “homie” from his posse…we’ll call him Tin Tin.
Another weird white dude was trying to grab the girls attention. Started to move quite suggestively towards us but I couldn’t take him seriously coz he really looked like Hugh Grant's pervie roommate in Notting Hill….lol!
We finally decided to leave once the club lights came on and the waiters were cleaning up. Some sick b@$$t@rd burnt me!!!! Idiot couldn’t hold his ciggie properly and just smiled when he unknowingly burnt my hand and I started cursing in pain. Now there’s a mark on my hand…gahhh…curse u bloody smokers!!!
Time : 4am and outttttttt.......
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