November 22, 2005

@t my desk...

Work has been slow slow slow…

1st week was pretty alright since I had a lot to read up on and familiarize myself with the environment here. Don’t have a desktop just yet…was given a laptop for temporary use but its such a bug to carry home and to work again. Worst part is I don’t have internet access….boooooooooohoooooooooo
I only get to use my email account coz my boss didn’t apply for internet access…I don’t know if they’re trying to cut down on employees surfing/chatting/blogging when they’re suppose to be working or if they’re just mean! But get this: Boss chats on YM and MSN daily!!!! Geez…who the heck doesn’t get internet access these days? They gotta listen to that annoying TM add more….you know…the guy singing about “it’s not the stone age”…haihhh

So far, been doing some reporting work. Helping out with some testing scripts that’s gonna be done in the near future. Now the bosses have left for HK on work, and I’m suppose to go look for another colleague and actually “ask” for work that needs to be done. Should’ve asked to be put in the production/radio team or something…at least there I can spy on celebrities….or even the censorship dept so I can sit and preview all the shows and that’s called work!

Speaking of celebrities, I’ve seen quite a few…ppl like Ferhad, Serena C and other Hitz dj’s, some newscasters, tv show hosts, ex-msian idols…alex yoong!cuteeeeeeeeeeee!!!!waiting for some actual int.celebs man….

Gotta go for lunch now…lunch is mostly eaten at the café….quite a variety and not so stinky as u would think….

Signing off…..


At 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

alex yoong?

At 9:10 AM, Blogger cath said...

so he does badly at least he's still good to look at la :p

At 1:15 PM, Blogger infinitium said...

alex yoong? bugger can't drive la. why Cat... why????!!!


At 3:42 PM, Blogger cath said...

its all about eye-candy J


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