October 25, 2005

My ideal career

Your Career Type: Conventional

You are orderly and good at following a set plan.
Your talents lie in working with written records and numbers in a systematic, orderly way.

You would make an excellent:

Bank Teller - Bookkeeper - Court Clerk
Mail Carrier - Post Office Clerk - Secretary
Timekeeper - Title Examiner - Typist

The worst career options for your are artistic careers, like comedian or dancer.
What's Your Ideal Career?

There goes "IT" down the drain....


At 6:49 PM, Blogger Da Mann said...

Timekeeper ? Hehehe...

But c'mon la Cat...how can they say you're not a good dancer ? Ni tak patut ni...

At 9:10 AM, Blogger cath said...

Maybe a backup dancer??
hmmm...something to think about...hahaha

update your blogla...ish ish...asyik matikan enjin onlyyyy


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