October 12, 2005

Hello Moto,

You suck!

After 3 days, i still havent got the hang of these damned phones!I dont think i will ever purchase any of them! unless of course i get one for free...then okla right? :D
One of the worst things is that the damn light keeps going off the screen even if you're in the middle of writing a msg, or browsing the web!How the heck am i suppose to see anything?

Tsk tsk....dont even wanna start on their UI and menu's...the missed calls are listed under recent "received" calls!

12 more days...and counting....



At 5:30 PM, Blogger chris said...

you got spam also!

At 11:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey...i sense hatred here. relaks gal.c'mon its not all that bad. it jus need errmmm more features i'd say. other than that, its pretty ok. well u cant complain much now that u are actually working there. like the pay, better start liking the phones too. you'll never know...

At 9:27 AM, Blogger cath said...

it is that bad ok?
i dont recommend buying these phones...ever!!!


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