September 16, 2005


I've got a funny little list...
Its a list of cars i want to drive/have driven....

1. Almost all the Proton cars : Saga (M), Iswara 1.3 (M), Wira 1.5 (A), Waja 1.6 (M),
Perdana V6 (A)
2. Perodua : Kancil 850 (M), Kelisa 1.0 (M), Kelisa Special Edition 1.0 (A)
3. Hyundai : Atos 1.1 (A)
4. Toyota: Camry 2.2 (A)
5. BMW : 3.18i (A)
6. Nissan: Sunny (M) *which was only a reverse and forward coz i had no strength to move the
damn gear!

Next car?Maybe i'll get to drive a LandRover?Saab?Vios?

Want to drive!!!!:
1. Almost all BMW cars!!!!
2. All the 4-Wheel-Drives!!!
3. A mini-cooper
4. A army-tank (not gonna happen....i knowwwww)
5. An f1 racing car

*Thanks to the owners of the cars (Gerry,Rach,Vicky,Unc S, Unc M, Aunt S, CC, & pops!) for trusting me enough to let me drive your cars....very-very carefully!


At 10:49 AM, Blogger infinitium said...

whoa! who lent you their Beamer? Did they do it under duress or alcohol intoxication? :P

Well, at least you can drive. Pity the same can't be said for that sis of yours... (oh boy, what are the chances she's reading the comments section?)


At 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you've SAT in a saab before.. :)

At 1:32 PM, Blogger chris said...

JASON! i shall ignore you.

eh adik you want to drive a SA-AB?

At 9:11 AM, Blogger cath said...

my uncle lent me the bmw and he was very much sober :D

not that i WANT to drive a saab, i just wanna see how it feels like....if the oppurtunity ever comes along

At 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's a whole lot of fun to drive...especially when the turbo kicks in... ;)


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