October 11, 2005

It's Been A While....

since i've written anything here...my apologies to the ppl who have been checking in here for updates.

Well..i've finished my training at maxis. Managed to come out alive but not so well. I fell very sick on my last week there. A whole week of having high fever and nausea had me losing 2 kg's.
The best part was i had to attend a job interview during that time but i somehow managed to sit through it. Been praying to get that job...hope i do...

I was all set to bumm around the hse like your typical jobless-graduate. I'm one person who is in no hurry to start my 33 yrs of work this soon.
And then Superman(you know who la) flies in to save the day. My resume was forwarded to the hiring company called Manpower and i got called up for a temp contract job at Motorola to test out handphones. The best part is it pays well and its for a monthly-basis contract.

So thats the latest update for now...

oh yea, its my birthday today...nothing special going on...how sad....


At 9:03 AM, Blogger chris said...

ish ish... we taking you for dinner on friday right!


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