August 30, 2005


Thats the new hit by Gwen Stefani which got me it as simple as that?
Being "cool" with your ex?Moving on is diificult enough...but hanging out again?not only with your ex but with his/her new partner?i think not! But if you really are "cool"...i bet there is a hugeeeee probability that you'd end up together again.

From the tvbox:
Show 1: F.R.I.E.N.D.S Ross went beserk! when Joey told him he was "interested"(not even going out!) with Rach..all the hoo-haa...and finally..they have lil' baby Emma and end up together..
And then there's the whole Monica-Richard-Chandler fiasco.

Show 2: One Tree Hill Peyton couldnt even be in the same room as Lucas & Brooke (although technically..they werent going out)...but later on...Lucas gets back with Peyton (or at least he thinks so) which leaves Brooke all stabbed in the back and what not...

Show 3: Sex & The City Carrie was totally "cool" with her ex, Mr.Big and look what happened?After a series of men..she still ended up with him

Show 4: The OC Where do i even start...the whole show is full of breakups and get together will definitely get my point if you watch the show

Show 5:Desperate Housewives
Lynette went to the extreme of trying to ship her hubby's ex out of the office (which of course didnt turn out the way she thought)...

Show 6:Gilmore Girls
Dean couldnt understand why???!! Rory dumped him for bad-boy Jess...while Rory couldnt even have a decent conversation everytime she bumped into Dean & wife(Rory's kindergarten best friends sumore)....

The list can go on & on...coz i do watch a lot of tv shows...but their just shows right?No proving they're right or wrong...but i know of a few real-life...up-close & personal experiences which show that its not so "cool" after all..

Anyone with a "cool" story?


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