August 15, 2005

Lazy Hazy Days

Sorry seems to be the easiest word the Indons can utter. Idiots! That's not gonna blow the haze away from Msia, its not gonna put out the fires..its just NOT ENOUGH!

Anyway, the haze has finally taken its tol on me. Sore throat and sore eyes...gah!!!!i hate being sick.

Havent really had any interesting stories to blog about, so this is just a small recap on what has happened in the past weeks:

My project's finally done after numerous changes made (with respect to user change requests).
My next project.."SHOOT THE USERS!"

Had a great weekend at Malacca..short and hectic..sadly i didnt get to eat my favourite Baba Chendol, and i also didnt get to buy any nice tops at Jonker St.
Was really tired waiting outside the hall for the convo ceremony to was really hot!But fun at the same time. Cant wait for mine next year! ****RUMOUR: Its gonna be held in Cyberjaya!

Congrats to all of you!


At 9:05 AM, Blogger chris said...

ooh! nava wore a sari?


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