August 19, 2008

Golly Wall-E

Wall-E is too cute :)
Who knew the cinema in Cheras Selatan (read: ohmygodcheras!!!!) would be actually quite ok. The leg room space is much wider than midvalley's and its about the same distance.
Only slack part is....there is nothing much to eat there.

Random bits:

--> I'm sitting in the office, staring at the time, and craving the buns from puchong.
--> The food at the new office sucks!
--> I get hungry a lot nowadays
--> Whatever i eat goes straight to my stomach, which is not good, coz i need to put on weight everywhere else besides my tummy.
--> I need to go check my cholesterol levels soon
--> Office politics make me sick
--> I am a very stressed out person, stress = cholesterol = no good :(
--> I love my new place :)
--> I must step foot in the pool of my new least once!
--> I am so bored without Astro, eventhough there's always nothing to watch
--> M.Phelps has a hot bod
--> R.Nadal has hot arms
--> I have a lot of good friends who i care about and mention every time i pray at mass
--> I'm afraid of death
--> I hate funerals
--> I have learnt to be more patient
--> I love birthdays
--> Life is moving by too fast to enjoy it

and the list can go on & on & on



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