August 18, 2008


New department = walking up & down lots of stairs.
Maybe this’ll help me work out my bumm mus-cles :D

New condo = carrying tons of clothes and stuff up more stairs.
Maybe this’ll help me work out my arm mus-cles (psssst: Nadal has drool-worthy arms)

Someone should be really EXTREMELY grateful that im soooo independent :)
*insert independent women – destiny’s child here *

Actually its not that im all thaaaat independent…I just like to get things done and over with.
I hate to linger and ponder and dance around waiting for things to be done.
Maybe im impatient in that way…
Although 100% patient when it comes down to you-know-who :) that didn’t make sense…im just randomly shooting out words from my brain…while I sit in my new office here…looking at the dark clody skies…and the lake! Ah yes…I love the fishies in the lake! There’s ka-zillions of them…feel free to donate any stale bread…I’ll feed em’ to the fishies…:)

Oh….i don’t know if I’ve explained before, but pleaseee…pleaseeeeee DO NOT TALK ABOUT SCARY SPOOKY stuff when im around. I don’t believe in ghosts…but I get freaked out at the mention of anything CLOSE to it. Sleepless nights are not on the itinerary ppl!!!!!!

Its august already???!!!! Goodness me….time flies….before you know’ll be my personal 1-mth countdown to my birthday! :D


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