Revenge against the Loudmouth
Loudmouth: a person who doesnt care about his/her surroundings and consistently talks at the top of their lungs on the phone/to another person and chews loudly when seated in a small enclosed areaOk, so my desk has now moved to a secluded room in this big building.
There's this girl sitting next to me.
She talks so loudly over the phone and doesnt care that i have to listen to her whiny voice.
I try drowning her out with my music but it doesnt work.
So you know how im playing pay-back?
She's on a diet....muahahahahahaha
She tries to skip meals...and drinks those weird colored shakes the whole day.
In comes phat-cat :p
Imagine these aromas i bring into the room everyday:
Morning: Lovely ham and cheese bun + hot cup of nescafe tarik
Lunch: no luck here...coz we always eat out...darn!
Tea: comes the fun part...teh tarik, currypuff, vaddai, goreng pisang, meehoon goreng...etc..
Lets see how long her diet lasts...
Call me b***h....i hate loudmouths!
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