1 wedding and a couple of boo-hoos
So many things to write about but i dont know where to start :)Firstly, a big CONGRATULATIONS and huggie for my kampung girl!!!
You're hitched!!!! woahhhhhhhhhhh.....
And meeting up with all my old school friends!
Man...i recognized each and everyone of you but everyone took a few sec's to recognize me!!!! Is it possible that i could've changed THAT much since high school?? Noooo way!!!
Secondly, i lost my handphone :(
BoooooHoooooo.....all my numbers are gone and all the lovely messages i've saved over the years are gone too :(
Now i gotta get a new phone which is a double boo-hoo coz...
Thirdly, im BROKE!
Fourthly, i didnt get the job i wanted.
All this stress....and my sinuses are acting up :(
The whole see-you-when-i-see-you happened...
Wasnt all as drama as i thought it would be....im glad its over.
Final closure :)
Im so up-to-date with movies..last night i spent 30 mins in the dvd shop with the dvd-guy trying to sell me all his "latest" movies, and all i was saying was "sudah tengokla....sudah tengok"
He gave up on me :D
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