Smack that!…Mosquito
My head’s a little funny today…maybe its becoz YOU slapped the senses out of me just to save me from a mosquito.
Psst…it was hilarious!
No hub-cap
I’m feeling quite good this morning, and I havent even finished my coffee yet.
You see, there are quite a number of families that live at the apartments. So every morning as I take my 5-minute walk to my car, I get to see parents/grandparents taking their kids to school, nurseries etc. I’ve even brought myself to put on a smiley face at some of the regulars that I bump into every single morning at almost the exact same time.
This morning, a black Toyota wish drives up by my side, and it’s a grandma, with her grandson sitting at the back, on their way to kindergarten. She stopped to ask if I needed a lift to the bus stop. Damn baik right?? So I told her its ok, my car is just down the road.
One thing that differs from the time we used to park outside cyberia, I don’t have to fret about getting parking tickets although I did loose a hub-cap :( I’m not sure if I fell off or got stolen. Poor thing is driven around looking quite ugly without her hub-cap. Should I get a new one, or I should steal mine back! Muahahahhahahaha!
There is always a probability somewhere....
While googling up something for Vas today, I stumbled upon something that brought me back to uni. Probability & Statistics. You know…all those formula’s for paired t-tests, reading the bell-shaped table, and the d-values and f-values, chi-square, binomial & ANOVA tests etc.
I remember taking this subject in alpha (pre-u) and having a wonderful lecturer which scored us all A’s for the subject (at least the girls did!)
Then, in cyber, we had to sit for another paper of probability & statistics..cant remember if it was in beta or gamma year, but I did pretty badly for the 4 credit hr subject. With full determination, me and rach re-took that paper in our final year. Mr.CWK thought we were the most brilliant students in the class, because we always had the answers to all the tutorial questions, and got to leave early every single class! :o)
But I really do have to thank him. The 2nd time around, studying the ever-confusing formula’s of probability was way easier. He put it in a very simple manner that both of us scored A’s!! kudos to u Mr.CWK! Although I will never EVER learn to like or pretend to even know anything close to networking!
Living in a box
I’m cursed when it comes to buying furniture. Well cupboards in particular.
It’s a long and frustrating story, that I just cannot even bring myself to type it out!
I’ve come to the conclusion that moving out actually seemed like a good idea at first, but in actual fact, its not so. I mean, of course all that freedom of living in cyber was fantastic, but then I’ve gotten so used to living at home again. Yes it’s far, and I have to spend so much on toll and petrol but its home u know. I have all my things there, family, my doggie, the comfy furniture…everything that I’ve grown attached to. And now I have all this new furniture which doesn’t seem to “fit” well with me. And there are still things to buy and to set up. Ah well, at least its close to work. Now that my holiday is coming up (read the next few paragraphs), I will just have to wait out the coming months before I actively start looking for a new job :D
Its quite an exciting week, I only have 4 days to work, and my cousins wedding awaits at the end of the week. My toes are gonna get their occasional pampering one of these days :)
Good news for May 2007. Will be going with Vas, Thama and Ida (which I have yet to meet) to Bangkok! Its gonna be fun…and this also means I have to start saving to shop! Not that I’m a shopaholic, but Ive been reading online that even non-shopaholics tend to spend over there!
Drink tea
Some random news I’ve read this morning:
Tea is beneficial only when drunk without adding milk.
I like tea, I like coffee, although I do know I’m suppose to cut down on caffeine to just 1 mug a day. I also know that I totally lack calcium which means I have to start drinking milk, which is gonna take a lotttt of discipline and willpower.
I’m back to the days of uni when everyday, the most dreaded question was “what’s for dinner?”….sigh….
For the first time today:
I was having lunch when suddenly this couple sitting in front of me (the lady), looked at me and started smiling like she’s known me for ages.
I just looked at her and thought: “oh man…do I know her…I cant seem to remember her”.
So I give the “erm..can I help you” look when she says “oh…we were just wondering if you’re malay”
*eyes become wider*
“err…nope. I’m not”.
That didn’t stop her, she kept looking at me, expecting further explanation and then she, slightly squinting like as if she can read my forehead and magically know, said “oh, so what are you?”
Slightly amused at her intense curiosity, I tell her.
“ohhhhhhhhh….ok” and goes back happily eating.
Usually I would’ve been bugged at ppl staring at me, but this lady and her hubby/bf/partner we’re quite pleasant looking and this is definitely the first time someone has actually dared to ask me instead of just staring annoyingly.
Also, she probably would’ve interrogated me more if I hadn’t answer
Bugged on Monday
I hate the drivers in puchong.
I got blarred-honked at 3 times! 3 TIMES! In 10 minutes!!
Hellooooo…we’re not in India people…damn..totally ruined my mood!
And the traffic all the way to work didn’t help either..
And the newbie who makes Nescafe at the café doesn’t help either..
I need some cheering up this Monday morning
Friday Already???
Haha...thats coz we've only worked for 3 days this week :D
Vas is calling me a drama queen…which is sorta, kinda, might be true
SO IS SHE!!! :p
Moving out on Sunday…with no carpark, no satellite tv, no internet…(read: BORING)
I just walked by Marion…u know…8tv quickie girl…she’s now on air with
Was in a good mood since its after my morning coffee and its Friday! So I smiled….she smiled back…which means she’s now on my “nice celebrities” list :)
Happy 2007!!
I’m back at work…
big big big sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
The past week has been a great! Holiday where I just slept, ate, and watched 2 season’s of grey’s anatomy back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back
I am finally moving out from the great outdoors a.k.a. rawang
Wasn’t my intention…my sis needs a bodyguard….ok…ok…so my mom wouldn’t let her live out on her own…which is where I come in….
So I get to stay 20 mins from the workplace…and I don’t have to pay rent :DI am however providing the astro, bills, security and of course…food!
Yup…gonna get my apron on….and experiment with my cooking skills.
Watch this space for any mishaps i.e apt on fire, cut of fingers, massive food poisoning