January 25, 2007

No hub-cap

I’m feeling quite good this morning, and I havent even finished my coffee yet.
You see, there are quite a number of families that live at the apartments. So every morning as I take my 5-minute walk to my car, I get to see parents/grandparents taking their kids to school, nurseries etc. I’ve even brought myself to put on a smiley face at some of the regulars that I bump into every single morning at almost the exact same time.

This morning, a black Toyota wish drives up by my side, and it’s a grandma, with her grandson sitting at the back, on their way to kindergarten. She stopped to ask if I needed a lift to the bus stop. Damn baik right?? So I told her its ok, my car is just down the road.

One thing that differs from the time we used to park outside cyberia, I don’t have to fret about getting parking tickets although I did loose a hub-cap :( I’m not sure if I fell off or got stolen. Poor thing is driven around looking quite ugly without her hub-cap. Should I get a new one, or I should steal mine back! Muahahahhahahaha!


At 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny thing is...i was driving back yesterday and saw a kelisa same colour as yours..missing the same hub-cap on the same wheel!


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