January 17, 2007

Living in a box

I’m cursed when it comes to buying furniture. Well cupboards in particular.
It’s a long and frustrating story, that I just cannot even bring myself to type it out!
I’ve come to the conclusion that moving out actually seemed like a good idea at first, but in actual fact, its not so. I mean, of course all that freedom of living in cyber was fantastic, but then I’ve gotten so used to living at home again. Yes it’s far, and I have to spend so much on toll and petrol but its home u know. I have all my things there, family, my doggie, the comfy furniture…everything that I’ve grown attached to. And now I have all this new furniture which doesn’t seem to “fit” well with me. And there are still things to buy and to set up. Ah well, at least its close to work. Now that my holiday is coming up (read the next few paragraphs), I will just have to wait out the coming months before I actively start looking for a new job :D

Its quite an exciting week, I only have 4 days to work, and my cousins wedding awaits at the end of the week. My toes are gonna get their occasional pampering one of these days :)

Good news for May 2007. Will be going with Vas, Thama and Ida (which I have yet to meet) to Bangkok! Its gonna be fun…and this also means I have to start saving to shop! Not that I’m a shopaholic, but Ive been reading online that even non-shopaholics tend to spend over there!


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