Drink tea
Some random news I’ve read this morning:Tea is beneficial only when drunk without adding milk.
I like tea, I like coffee, although I do know I’m suppose to cut down on caffeine to just 1 mug a day. I also know that I totally lack calcium which means I have to start drinking milk, which is gonna take a lotttt of discipline and willpower.
I’m back to the days of uni when everyday, the most dreaded question was “what’s for dinner?”….sigh….
For the first time today:
I was having lunch when suddenly this couple sitting in front of me (the lady), looked at me and started smiling like she’s known me for ages.
I just looked at her and thought: “oh man…do I know her…I cant seem to remember her”.
So I give the “erm..can I help you” look when she says “oh…we were just wondering if you’re malay”
*eyes become wider*
“err…nope. I’m not”.
That didn’t stop her, she kept looking at me, expecting further explanation and then she, slightly squinting like as if she can read my forehead and magically know, said “oh, so what are you?”
Slightly amused at her intense curiosity, I tell her.
“ohhhhhhhhh….ok” and goes back happily eating.
Usually I would’ve been bugged at ppl staring at me, but this lady and her hubby/bf/partner we’re quite pleasant looking and this is definitely the first time someone has actually dared to ask me instead of just staring annoyingly.
Also, she probably would’ve interrogated me more if I hadn’t answer
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