March 31, 2006

Stoned by a lorry

I’ve come to a conclusion that I am cursed when it comes to car windscreens..
When I was driving my sis’s car…the windscreen cracked twice!
The first..i didn’t even notice until I was reversing out of the porch for work. That we had to replace. The second time..i was driving to work. A bloody huge stone dropped off a lorry and flew right into the windscreen. This time I was just a tiny dot..which later became star-shaped.
I’ve scarred that car and given it back to her…

Today on my way to work…I got hit by a stone again!!!
I’m driving on the highway mind you…not some old kampong road with stones scattered all over the place for heavens sake!
Now I’ve got a small tiny stone nicely smashed into my screen…gahhh!!!

photo source:

Based on the diagram....i have a bulls-eye...

March 29, 2006

My friend Dan

Just when you think things are just not going your way…right before you start to give up and think that there’s no hope left…life suddenly seems not so bad after all…
I didn’t have to ask…but my boss gave me another day off tomorrow…I thank my panda looking eyes for that…dino suggested that I use makeup to accentuate it rather than to cover it up…nice one dino!!

Managed to meet up with the gang last night…I miss you guys!! Will be meeting the other 2 this weekend…the whole of A1-0-2 + 1 *grin*

Talking about this special addition to the gang…I was busily irritating my fellow colleague (I’ll name him Dan).
So Dan from a different land was asking me if I was still single and all…so I told him I wasn’t…and of course the next question was…when are you getting married?
I said not anytime soon…and he started giving me advice on why I should get married now…and start having kids within the next 24 hours…I just nodded…

When you’re’re ready...

March 27, 2006

dozing off...zzzz

I am currently feeling very very stoned….
I haven’t been getting enough of rest since 2 weeks…
I don’t really care about work anymore…I did my best…I AM doing my best…
but I don’t feel appreciated…not one bit!
Instead I’m taken for granted…heck I feel like a damn kuli…
I think even kuli’s get paid better than me...

I don't trust anyone...the only good thing are my colleagues from another land that never fail to amuse me every single minute...

I’m gonna go update my resume now…

March 20, 2006

Eye Scare!

Work is really getting to me…my eyesight has definitely declined…rapidly!!!
I gotta go get my eyes checked out this weekend…
All the fuss with those damned B&L contact lens solution isn’t helping either…currently using something “I think” is called “Comfort”…like there’s soooo much of choice when it comes to lens solution…*sighhhhh*

I worked over the weekend….wasnt really that bad since there was no one around…and I didn’t have to run up and down to the bosses office…managed to get the entire system DOWN before I left yesterday…guess I won’t be working alone on weekends after this…
Bright side is I’m gonna get 2 days off work to kautim the weekend I worked…already have so much planned…haircut, eye check, hosp.check, carwash, and of course…shopping!!!!!

March 09, 2006


Or at least i *think* thats what the song know that song that's always playing in the clubs...and then the crowd always shouts "kulooooo"...

Its been a crazy week at work. I don’t even have time to look at the time anymore…
Weekends have been spent catching up on sleep. Although that didn’t really work out last weekend since the gang went for a birthday night out @ Absolute.
I’m starting to like that place…compared to the “Lockup”. It has a bigger dance floor and we get to hang at the perfect table thanks to our VIP treatment. Its great knowing someone who knows someone who knows someone to get us in :D
Although the guys did take a while to walk away…or should I say look away from the Lockup. They were all drooling at a lady in red…getting it on…caged on top of the bar. Talk about dahsyat moves man….

Will be heading down to Ipoh this weekend. Its my grandma’s 90th birthday!!!
I’ll be lucky if I live to 70..what with all this stress, diseases, global warming, global pollution, fatty food etc etc….

*Random Rambles*
Everytime I want to say K-Town-Clan(or is it Klan?)…I say Ku Klux Klan :D
Have u heard their new song? There’s one part I always catch…goes something like rap:the gingerbread man..the gingerbread man...


March 01, 2006

Ashes to ashes...

Dust to dust….

Its Ash Wednesday today. It’s a universal day of fast and abstinence for Catholics although it is entirely up to the individual how or what they will “sacrifice” throughout this season of Lent. I remember when I was young; my Lentern sacrifice was to put in 10sen-1dollar a day in a coin box which will be given towards some sort of charity at the end of Lent. This time around….i still haven’t decided yet…so far…it’s giving up on McD’s for a whole month…but of course this doesn’t benefit the good of the world in anyway except me trying to keep low on the oils and fats...

Its time to repent…..

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