My car has finally arrived!!!
Faster faster go buy number k?
2176and you have to give me 10% of all your winnings :o)cheers!!!!!
Kelisa...oh Kelisa...
I kena tipu laaaaaa
The car dealer was just bluffing when he said my car is ready.
He was so sure that my car was in stock and I will be able to get it less than a week after signing the loan forms. Now after signing the loan forms, he calls me to say the colour that I wanted is not in stock and I would have to wait for dunno how long until its ready.
If I wanted the normal silver colored car, I wouldn’t have to wait…but i really want the grey one…so I’m gonna wait….will continue using my sis’s car until then…:D
Besides that, I’ve been swamped with work at the office. No time to chat…no time to get on the net.
Let's play "Which boss is better"!!!
Scenario A: Calling me up on the phone
Lady Boss: Hi. Please come over to my desk now.
Cute Man Boss: Hi! Could you please come over to go through some stuff? Thanks.
Scenario B: Assigning work
Lady Boss: *thru email* I want you to do this. Refer to the attachment.
Cute Man Boss: *thru email* Pls go through these attachments and I’ll come over and explain them to you in a while. Thanks.
Scenario C: Upon completion of work
Lady Boss: *thru email* Not what I want. Please come over to discuss.
Cute Man Boss: *thru email* Thanks. *and if there’s corrections*
I think you should replace --this-- with -–this-- instead.
And the winner is.......*drumroll*......kinda obvious right?
pssstttttt: No offence to the lady bosses who read this...i'm sure you are all very nice :o)
Alternate Saturday's part II
You know how i prayed for a
5-day work week?
God answered my prayers and we started working a 5-day week since Dec 19th.
But guess...just guesssssss...where I am right now?
This sucks! The worst part is none of the support team or any of my bosses are around which leaves me totally clueless and helpless if any problems come up during testing.
I'm feeling miserable..... :o((
They call him...
Slim Shady a.k.a Marshall Mathers a.k.a
EminemI’ve been a fan ever since I listened to “My Name is..”
Sure his lyrics are controversial…sure he swears a lot!....sure he grabs his "you-know-what" a lot!...but I think to be able to create those songs and rap em’ the way he does is really awesome! Ok so the movie was kinda cacat la...but he won a grammy for it!
And the vids are super duper cekap!! My fav has to be “Without Me”…
I guess people are starting to get tired of listening to him rap 'bout his problematic family so he’s officially retiring from the music scene with his greatest hits album “Curtain Call”.

“ And when I’m gone…just carry on don’t mourn…rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice….”
Brand new wheels...
Rejoice rejoice…
I never ever EVER have to ever ever ever take public transport OR depend on anyone else to lend me their cars…..my car loan has been approved!!!!
So it’ll be a week before my new
Kelisa arrives. Its gonna be a 1.0 Manual dark grey-ish color.

What shall I name her then…
Hello 2006!
Back to work….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Shall look forward to the next week’s holiday…one day sure makes a lot! of difference.
So how was everyone’s new year?
Mine was pretty ok. The rain kinda dampened it a bit…but luckily it stopped.
Had to stand outside church because of the massive crowd! And got to bangsar as early as 8pm! Managed to get a nice parking spot right before they closed the roads.
Had some light dinner and was wandering through the streets, ending up at Starbucks waiting for the rest to arrive. Ended up @ cockpit which was completely jam-packed!!!!
Had to squeeze through and go all the way to the back to get a table. So stuffy and hot! Not a single drink for me that night (I was on painkillers..stomach cramps..gahhhh!!!), but quite a bit of dancing. The countdown was a great….but I hated those damned spray can streamers. They smell funny and mess up your hair! Left earlier than everyone else but it was fun.
Happy New Years to everyone again.
I hope this year brings some sort of luck in my life.
Big events to look forward to this year:
1. Meet the parents.
2. New car
3. Grandma’s 90th bday bash.
4. Convocation
5. Permanent employment.
6. Pay rise.
7. 2006 World Cup Germany.
8. 2006 Commonwealth Games Melbourne.