Smell something new?
Was flipping through a mag when i first saw the ad for:
InstinctAnother very good excuse for me to post up a pic of Becks :D

Instinct scents are made up of a wholeeee lot of stuff like orange, Italian bergamot, mandarin(how does this differ from orange?), cardamom, star anise, patchouli, white amber etc....
Don't know if i'll quite like it...not a fan of spicy scents
Shall go check it out anyhows...i doubt anyone of my guy friends out there will ever buy it...hmm...all except a certain "Sir 23" perhaps?
Goodbye Moto!
Au Revoir!!!
So longggg...farewelll.....!!!
A total of 15 working days....15 looooonnngggg...boooooring...uneventful....days.
Thanks for the experience...I find you and "bugs" get along pretty well....all of "you".
Thanks for the extra cash though....i really needed it!
All i've gotta say is:
I "heart" Nokia!
TTFN....and forever and ever....
***The End***
My ideal career
Your Career Type: Conventional |
 You are orderly and good at following a set plan. Your talents lie in working with written records and numbers in a systematic, orderly way.
You would make an excellent:
Bank Teller - Bookkeeper - Court Clerk Mail Carrier - Post Office Clerk - Secretary Timekeeper - Title Examiner - Typist
The worst career options for your are artistic careers, like comedian or dancer. |
There goes "IT" down the drain....
Robo Me
By Day:

By Night:

Always Remember :
"Resistance Is Futile"
As soon as i heard the movie was coming out, i was all set to book my tics and go catch it at the cinema. Even the reviews were pretty good!

Goal! is about a Mexican (or as he corrects us "from LA") Santiago Munez (the really cute Kuno Becker) who's this really talented footie player....and when i say talented..i mean he literally dances with the ball...walau!really cool moves i tell ya...
Anyway, one fine day...a footie scout spots him playing and the history....
He gets a chance to train with the Newcastle United team and manages to get into the reserve squad...luckly for him...injuries woe the NUFC first team and he gets to play in a real premier league match against LFC..and of course he assists in the goals and even scores one of his ownla (free-kick sumore!)
Of course for all you kataks under your tempurungs....the other reason i went to watch it was because...well...its also featured other football greats...*drum roll*....David Beckham!!!Raul!!!Zidane!!!!!Shearer!!!!
My my...i was waiting and waiting...watching every "extra" person i could find in each scene!
Wow....Becks get a whole...1 minute on screen.....haihhhhh...but it was worth it babe!!!!!!!!

I like David Beckham!And for the guys who are "rolling" your damned're just jealous!!!!Go roll your eyes somewhere else!
If you're a girl....hmmm....are u kidding me???? every person who knows at least a bit of the game should go watch itla...pretty good moves by "Santi"..and he has never even played footie before!
Gloomy day
The weather says it all...
Our PM's wife has just passed away at 7:55am this morning..
My condolences to the PM and his entire family
May God bless her soul and give her family strength...
Heard this song on the radio on my way to of my fav. mariah songs
I need a lover to give meThe kind of love that will last alwaysI need somebody upliftingTo take me away babe...oh yeah yeahI want a lover who knows meWho understands how I feel insideSomeone to comfort and hold meThrough the long lonely nightsTill the dawnWhy don't you take me awayDreamlover come rescue meTake me up take me downTake me anywhere you want to baby nowI need you so desperatelyWon't you please come around'Cause I wanna share forever with you babyI don't want another pretenderTo disillusion me one more timeWhispering words of foreverPlaying with my mind
I need someone to hold on toThe kind of love that won't fly awayI just want someone to belong toEverydayOf my lifeAlwaysSo come and take me awayDreamlover come rescue meTake me up take me downTake me anywhere you want to baby nowI need you so desperatelyWon't you please come around'Cause I wanna share forever with you baby
Why'd she have to go get bigger boobs?Since then....i stopped buying her albums coz i think her singing stinks now....i guess all the greats do something stupid like surgery and what not(think MJ!!!!)
Its all a downhill slippery singing slide from there.....
This is...
what happens when you get bored at the office.....

chew off a finger nail...and take a picture as if its a work of art...
Hello Moto,
You suck!
After 3 days, i still havent got the hang of these damned phones!I dont think i will ever purchase any of them! unless of course i get one for free...then okla right? :D
One of the worst things is that the damn light keeps going off the screen even if you're in the middle of writing a msg, or browsing the web!How the heck am i suppose to see anything?
Tsk tsk....dont even wanna start on their UI and menu's...the missed calls are listed under recent "received" calls!
12 more days...and counting....
It's Been A While....
since i've written anything apologies to the ppl who have been checking in here for updates.
Well..i've finished my training at maxis. Managed to come out alive but not so well. I fell very sick on my last week there. A whole week of having high fever and nausea had me losing 2 kg's.
The best part was i had to attend a job interview during that time but i somehow managed to sit through it. Been praying to get that job...hope i do...
I was all set to bumm around the hse like your typical jobless-graduate. I'm one person who is in no hurry to start my 33 yrs of work this soon.
And then Superman(you know who la) flies in to save the day. My resume was forwarded to the hiring company called Manpower and i got called up for a temp contract job at Motorola to test out handphones. The best part is it pays well and its for a monthly-basis contract.
So thats the latest update for now...
oh yea, its my birthday today...nothing special going sad....