July 07, 2005

Train bugs

Such a bad start to my morning..
Bloody moron in the train decided to listen to music on his headphones but it was soooo loud!!
Like shoving a boom box all the way next to MY ear-drum!I mean...you wanna listen to ur damn songs, fine!The rest of us DONT! Worst of all, it was some stupid "dapangkuttu" songs...geezzzz

Thought i could escape once i changed train..but noooooooooo....some girl pulak comes and sits next to me..and whaddya know?The same "dapangkuttu" shit...what on earth is going on today?
After a few "sighhhhh" 's and attempt to stare out of the corner of my eyes..she gets the point and lowers the sound probably 1/2 a notch?NOT LOW ENOUGH b****!

Forgive me for the cursing...but it really gave me a mild migraine...something i dont want to start a working day with!

p/s: for all of you who don't know..."dapangkuttu" is the word for all those tamil so called "head banging" songs...you dont wanna hear it especially in the wee hours of the morning!


At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Start with Red Hot Chilli Peppers and show them what REAL head banging songs are!
Or else just bite their heads off ... arrr!!!

At 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just take out one side of their earphone (the one facing you) and shout in the ear "OI DAMM LOUD LA!"

problem solved :D


At 10:37 AM, Blogger chris said...

i like this "dapangkuttu" word hehe...


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