radio ga-ga
Things are turning out to be alright after all.Finally got started on my ASP.Net skills, and i must say, its pretty easy once you get the hang of it. Just finishing up the final touches to my page designs. Showed em' to my super and she's pretty happy with it. Yipee! Can't tell you how much it meant to me, thizz izz job satizfaction, no?
Launchcast is playing all my favourite songs today!Back to back, hit after hit..can't stop bopping my head to the beats. Which reminds me, Ginie said something about Zouk??!!??!This thursday, having myself a few shots and getting jiggy clubbing at Zouk. Sounds gempak!
Nothing much to write about la. Can't think of anything much except the damn Ear Test(or is it Sound Test..hmm...something like that la)!
Its on Light & Easy. They play a sound and you gotta guess what it is. Can't seem to get through the phone lines. The last time i was so desperate to win:
I was home alone, listening to the radio, and the minute the cue to call came on air....i made a dash for the phone in my mom's room all the way from the hall. I think one foot got tangled in the other and...*CRASH!!!!* was like trying to slide across the floor with a pillow..except this time, no pillow..just bare hurt like crayzeeee!You figure the pain and sore knees would stop me right?no sireeee...not me..i'm goin to win the damn thing so i got up and grabbed the phone...dialing and redialing like a mad woman.
Didnt get through, and found out that my "100% sure" answer was totally incorrect.
Dad just happens to come back at that time. I open the door to let him in, sore & slightly bleeding knees, pretend nothing's happened, but i just couldnt..burst out laughing(trying to hide my teary eyes) and told him what happened. All he said was "dumb la you..mumble mumble"
oh i remember this!!! hahahahaaaaaaaaa....
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