In the still of the night
You know how they say your life flashes before your eyes when having a near-death experience? Well, last nite on my way home, i was driving along the LDP and just as i was reaching the flyover somewhere near the Kelana Jaya Giant, a car appeared out of nowhere and tried to squeeze in between another car and mine, on a 2 lane flyover!I cant really explain in detail how it happened, its all blurry to me now. All i remember was blasting my car horn,swerving and cursing out loud!I almost crashed into the divider at 100kmph!No life flashes...just complete silence.....It's like at that moment, i couldn't hear myself, the radio, the other cars horning....
just absolute S-I-L-E-N-C-E
I only remembered to breathe after reaching the KDU bridge...
I was totally freaked. I've never felt that least not while driving..whole way back i was imagining myself crushed in my crashed car..and all because of some idiot who was probably drunk or who's just a complete moron!
always keep your distance from the car in front of you...
the distance was fine, just not enough for the moron to cut in front of me...his problem..not mine!
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