August 30, 2005


Thats the new hit by Gwen Stefani which got me it as simple as that?
Being "cool" with your ex?Moving on is diificult enough...but hanging out again?not only with your ex but with his/her new partner?i think not! But if you really are "cool"...i bet there is a hugeeeee probability that you'd end up together again.

From the tvbox:
Show 1: F.R.I.E.N.D.S Ross went beserk! when Joey told him he was "interested"(not even going out!) with Rach..all the hoo-haa...and finally..they have lil' baby Emma and end up together..
And then there's the whole Monica-Richard-Chandler fiasco.

Show 2: One Tree Hill Peyton couldnt even be in the same room as Lucas & Brooke (although technically..they werent going out)...but later on...Lucas gets back with Peyton (or at least he thinks so) which leaves Brooke all stabbed in the back and what not...

Show 3: Sex & The City Carrie was totally "cool" with her ex, Mr.Big and look what happened?After a series of men..she still ended up with him

Show 4: The OC Where do i even start...the whole show is full of breakups and get together will definitely get my point if you watch the show

Show 5:Desperate Housewives
Lynette went to the extreme of trying to ship her hubby's ex out of the office (which of course didnt turn out the way she thought)...

Show 6:Gilmore Girls
Dean couldnt understand why???!! Rory dumped him for bad-boy Jess...while Rory couldnt even have a decent conversation everytime she bumped into Dean & wife(Rory's kindergarten best friends sumore)....

The list can go on & on...coz i do watch a lot of tv shows...but their just shows right?No proving they're right or wrong...but i know of a few real-life...up-close & personal experiences which show that its not so "cool" after all..

Anyone with a "cool" story?

August 26, 2005

Duplicate?Evil twin?

Damn..i'm starting to stop having faith in winning contests.
I've tried(still trying) many times before...won some...lost some..even got hurt some..

I faithfully listen to hitz fm in the mornings...and i finally got through to play "JJ & Rudy's Cool Test"..not bad..i managed a 6.5/10 which is an "aighttttt" on a higher scale..i was suppose to win an "aightttt" goodie bag, and i did. A Keane CD, Hitz car sticker, Hitz notepad, and a funny looking Hitz least i think its a mousepad la.
That was ok. I was happy i won.

BUTTTTTTT on the other hand,
i also actively send in contests from mags every month and for as looooooong as i can remember, everytime my name appears on the winners page, its mostly my winnings...or my ex-roomie who wrote in with my name.
This time around, i was damn excited coz i won a 50 bucks Coffee Bean voucher (after a very very dry season of not winning anything)!!!Waited waited waited...and no letter arrived at my mailbox. This was 2 months back, so i decided to call the mag up and apparently, the name is MINE!!!!! but as soon as i uttered my id number, the lady was like "oh, i dont think you won"

I was like WAT?????who the heck is this other person with my name!!!!!???The exact spelling sumore!!!!!This is a first man....names SIMILAR to mine are usually spelt with a 'K'...ends with an 'E' or even misses out parts of the middle aphabets!

My contest NAME! is pretty lucky to get chosen...and all this while i thought it belonged to ME & ONLY ME!


August 24, 2005


Is there any left for me?
I've been working ( only la) for 68 days now, and each day...since day 1..i've been grumbling and dragging myself out of bed..thinking up all sorts of excuses not to go to work...fighting sleep at my desk..keeping my eyes wide open as i stare at the pc screen...counting the hrs before its time to go home again...and jump into bed as soon as the clock hits 9:30pm..

If i'm "lucky" enough to get a job after this...i have:

Another 33 years which is approx 8643 days to work til i reach the age of 55

Hip, hip.....hooray!!!!

August 23, 2005


My uni supervisor for industrial training was scheduled to stop by for a "checkup" on what i was doing at the office. Informed my super over here that the uni super was coming...and this morning! she didnt turn up...arrrrrrrr!!!wat to do...*panic*...wat to person in line...not in the office as well....another HUGEEEE AARRRRRRRR!!!!...wat to do...*panic*..wat to person in line...*phewwwww*..he's in!he pulak "arrrrr"....go ask someone else!
But after a huge "plssssssss...i dunno what to do"...he says ok.

Uni super's from overseas (pakistan or iran or something)...and he doesnt know his way here. so had to get him a very very detailed map and hope he wouldnt get lost!
He doesnt...and gets here on time..11am.

Briefed him on what i was doing web project and all that...and then he needs to talk to the office super...damn!!!thought he would forget about it..
anyway, i bring him over to meet the consultant, and he was like " can leave us alone now"..geeeeeez...bigtime secret la...i'm sure the consultant is not gonna say anything bad about me la right..

So that was that all nervous for nothing...he's left now..took about 30 mins here..just gotta hand in my final report next month and an assesment form from my office super...get this...its gottta be in a "sealed envelope"

muahahahahahahaha....funny la these ppl

August 15, 2005

Lazy Hazy Days

Sorry seems to be the easiest word the Indons can utter. Idiots! That's not gonna blow the haze away from Msia, its not gonna put out the fires..its just NOT ENOUGH!

Anyway, the haze has finally taken its tol on me. Sore throat and sore eyes...gah!!!!i hate being sick.

Havent really had any interesting stories to blog about, so this is just a small recap on what has happened in the past weeks:

My project's finally done after numerous changes made (with respect to user change requests).
My next project.."SHOOT THE USERS!"

Had a great weekend at Malacca..short and hectic..sadly i didnt get to eat my favourite Baba Chendol, and i also didnt get to buy any nice tops at Jonker St.
Was really tired waiting outside the hall for the convo ceremony to was really hot!But fun at the same time. Cant wait for mine next year! ****RUMOUR: Its gonna be held in Cyberjaya!

Congrats to all of you!

August 02, 2005

Time flies...

August already?mannn..thats fast...
Before i know'll b September and i'll be finished with my training here and be an official "jobless undergrad"

A kind of tiring week i had...went for 3 dance classes at the newly opened Celebrity Fitness gym at One Utama. Not badddd i tell you! Went for 2 Bhangra classes and a Latin Mix one.
Had lots of fun and it really got me interested in joining a dance class..doesnt matter if its HipHop or Latin or whateverla...its fun and everyone should try it!

On Saturday, was trying to call up my dear friend "dino" to wish her happy birthday...100 calls and still no answer. Then i get an sms from her asking for someone elses phone number instead. Grrrrr....i nicely sms-ed back with a "why arent you answering my phone calls??!!!"

Gave it one last shot before i left the office..and whaddyaknow..she picks up and:

Me: Weiiii...i've been trying to call you for soo long!!why never answer laaaaaa?
Dino: huh?*silence* hey..cathhhh...*groan*...i've been hit by a car...
Me: WHAT?????Where????Where are you?
Dino: I'm at masjid jamek lrt...*groan*..can you pls come?
Me: Tell that fella to take you to the nearest clinic! And tell me which clinic..i'll be right there!!!

Tension betul!!!!I rushed to kl...and surprise surprise...every single road was jammed!
Then dino calls to tell me she's at GH pulak! Tried my very best to keep calm...
As soon as i reached...luckyly rach was there too!I dunno how i would've handled everything on my own. Went to the emergency room and the minute i saw dino lying on the heart sunk..I never imagined i would see her like that.

She was half awake coz they had given her some pain killers...but still in one piece (thank God!!!)
I followed the lady(who hit her) to the car to collect her bags and almost got a heart-attack when i saw the condition of the car!!!The front screen was cracked(like after being hit with a baseball bat) and a bit of the front bonet was "kemek"!! I was just picturing how the car would've hit dino..poor thing!

Next shock came when the lady hands me dino's bags...and her beloved pet mice where in it!
D-E-A-D..they survived the accident but not the heat(poor fella's were left in the car the whole time)

Dino's alright now..she was discharged later that night. Her head's still aching though.

I always thought i wouldnt know how to handle these kinds of situations....all panicky and upset..but when it really happens, i guess its a gut feeling that you just know what you have to do.

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