June 02, 2005

Work Stuff

Its the 2nd day of work, and i still havent done anything worth writing a post about.
Here's just a little of what i've been doin at the office....

I'm supposed to be looking up and learning how to handle ASP.Net but i ended up compiling a "how to use HTML" document. I'm so tired..i keep glancing at the time every minute to see if its time to go home. Sitting at some old, dirty pc which still uses windows NT!!!I cant even d/load y! but getting used to pressing f5 everytime i need to refresh a page.Hopefully i get my project requirements soon!

I ate lunch with my cuz at the cafeteria today. Looked pretty shabby but the food was edible. A piece of fried chicken, green veg and some egg plus a bottle of mineral water only cost RM3!Shocking!...I didnt even have to pay coz i've got coupons to use up by the end of this month.Not that i'm gonna save some ca$h. I'm getting 500 bucks which is all gonna end up in my fuel tank..luckyly i still come under FAMA sponsorhip..(THANX POPS!):D

Ppl here are all pretty nice. They're either bz clicking away at the keyboard or chatting on the phone..Man!You gotta hear the ringtones...sooooo cool!
Log on to www.maxis.com.my to find out more!



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