May 25, 2005


Who's your favourite superhero?
Superman, Spiderman, Batman, the X-Men, Catwoman, Wonderwoman, The Flash...i could go on and on but which one in particular is the strongest or has the most powerful of all the superhuman powers?which one got you going "woahhhhh..i wanna have superpowers too!"?or how many times did your mom catch you trying to fly around the house with your cape,mask or even underwear on the outside?


The Xmen


Of all the superheroes, mine would have to be the one and only Man of Steel. He's got it all...super strength, speed, eye lasers, x-ray vision, freeze breath, bulletproof bod and the ability to fly.

The original Superman

So far, Christopher Reeve has done a pretty good job in all the Superman movies. We'll just have to wait and see if this Brandon Routh dude is up to standard.
Of course my fav is Dean Cain in The Adventures of Lois & Clark.
The movie Superman Returns is set to be released sometime mid of 2006.
Looking forward to it...and also....looking to the skies.....



At 10:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea well .... I like spiderman. He may not have all the super powers that your bloke superman does but at least he does not wear his underwear outside of his suit. Hahaha .... That speaks volumes if you ask me.

At 10:52 AM, Blogger cath said...

so this spidey of urs is gonna save you even when his web squirts have run out?good luck!


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