Cats vs Dogs
So i've been thinking...i hate in i just can't stand the sight of cats...i see a cat anywhere near me and i have the greatest urge to hurt it!arrrggghhh..sounds like i'm some real meanie but i just can't help it. Cats are just so arrogant. They always have that "i dont give a shit" look. Their poop smells real bad, they're a carrier for all sorts of germs! and you've always gotta let them into the house. Heck, they're such a selfish jealous lot, they pee as a sign of marking territories!!!I really tried coming up with something i can stand about cats. So far, i've only got 1...the musical 'Cats'. My sis did suggest that cats clean themselves but how yucky is licking up yourself to keep clean?Kittens are what?I thought ET was cute too!

Dogs however are number one on my pet list. They're all great companions, cute, loyal, always come to your call, they somehow sense what emotions you're going through, guard the house, lead the blind and also used as a form of therapy for illnesses. They arent called "mans best friend" for nothing you know.

Movies that make you wanna own a dog:
1. Lassie
2. Beethoven
3. Homeward Bound
4. AirBud
5. 101 Dalmations
6. K9
7. Lady & The Tramp
8. Old Yeller
9. Benji
10. Cats and Dogs

oh well...of course its just that i'm a dog lover...i'm sure many cat lovers out there have lots of nicer things to say about em' felines...
A truly biased observation!
Movies that make you wanna own a cat:
1. The Darn Cat (DC)
2. Cat in the Hat
3. Homeward bound
4. Cats, the musical
5. Cat woman
6. Garfield the movie
7. Shrek 2 (puss in boots)
8. Eek the cat
9. Felix
10.Top Cat
11.Josie and the pussy cats (movie)
12.The aristocats
13.Cats and dogs(only if you like intelligence in your pet)
haha....i truly love cats...actually all animals... so bring on a challenge. Im up for it!
"anonymous"...just remember those little rats of yours...i'm sure they love cats too...
hey rose...didnt mean to start a "war" here..haha..u're just a cat person and i'm not..
Catwoman ?!?!?!?! Catwoman makes you wanna own a cat ? :o Man ! If anything, Catwoman would make me wanna own a tight leather suit..I mean...for my *ahem*...wife.
...or perhaps a huge poster of Halle Barry in that tight suit..but seriously, a cat ?!?!?!
I heard of someone who named their dog, 'Cat'!
yup..thats true..ginie told me about that..haha..a bunch of confused ppl i guess..i even heard of someone name their dog "meera" joke...and no offence roomie :D
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