Its here! Its here!
1st of June...the day i've been talking and waiting for since beginning of December 2004 when i first registered for my industrial training...and's finally here..*yikesssssss*Never thought it would be here so soon...its too soon and i'm not prepared. Maybe physically(haha..went to get my hair nicely blow-dried..1st impression counts!) but mentally?emotionally?i'm just stressed.
I'm nervous and excited all at the same time. So many questions are roaming like white ghosts in my mind...."am i goin to be late?"...."am i gonna fit in?"..."shit..i'm gonna screw up!". Ok, so the last one wasnt a question...*yikesss again!!!*
Everybody's're just a're not expected to know anything..they'll teach you...etc. Easy for them to say, not so easy for me. This is my first ever job(trainee or not!). I've never worked my entire life! I just bummed at home everytime the hols were on. I dunno why, but i feel really eager to impress everyone. I just dont wanna be seen as some dumb clueless trainee. I even managed to borrow books to read up about ASP.Net, VB.Net and Oracle(i'll be working on projects which deal with these software) because thanx to my wonderful syllabus at uni, I've learnt none of them.
But i'm really really excited about the whole prospect of going to work. The whole waking up at 6am, beating traffic, coming back all tired and weary, sleeping by the minute the clock strikes 10. Whyyyyyyy? Beats me..i'm just looney.
*sigh*...just hope everything goes on well...and that i dont accidently spill coffee on the boss(don't ask me...i dunno where that whole "coffee" episode came from...probably watching too many movies)
crap!its 10:15...gotta hit the sack or i'll be yawning my head off tomorrow..bye bye afternoon naps..hello panda eyes..
coffee? you're not in training to be the tea lady you know.
you'll be fine dont worry!
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