June 27, 2005

For whom the wedding bells toll!

June's gonna be over in a few days....eagerly waiting for my first ever pay-cheque!
I've been marking my calendar a lot these few days...i always feel time fly by when there's something to look forward to at the end of the week. Attended my cousin's wedding dinner last night. And the next big event will be.....*drum roll*.....another wedding!

This time around, my friend(deeds!) will be getting hitched on July the 10th and there's a whole week of functions to attend. YAY! Already planning what to wear for each function.But the one question i dont have an answer to is: What's the gift gonna be?Been thinking of quite a few things: photoframes,wedding albums, vases..funny that i seem to be naming almost everything from Lovely Lace. Any ideas ppl?

Funny how everytime i attend someone's wedding, i cant help start imagining my own wedding day! i mean its not really my wedding in particular...but the wedding plans...I mean..it really is a HUGE event to plan..flowers, clothes(what you're gonna wear and what you want everyone else to wear :D), food, the cake, venues, invites(who you want to invite and who your parents want to invite!), color themes...Stressful yet relaxing, anxious yet patient and all kinds of mood swings are involved in making this day.."the" day of your life!

* pretty gerbera bouquet *

* dress?saree?cheongsam?..we'll just have to wait and see *

I'm sure everyone of us(girls) have at least pictured our wedding dress(s)! I know some ppl who even know where to take their photographs!..siapa makan cili, dia arasa pedas k ;)

I guess the Christians have the least to do(not so many ceremonies) for their weddings. Church wedding and then off to the reception for food!
Chinese have the grooms drive over to the bride's house with his posse of strong, willing slave friends and do all sorts of bidings by the brides friends before their finally let into the house. Then they go back to the groom's place for the tea ceremony where they serve tea to all their uncle's & aunties.

Indians have a lot! of ceremonies leading up to the wedding day. Deeds wedding's gonna be a Gujerati(G-U-J-J-U!) wedding. It's suppose to be a whole week long of ceremonies. I'm not sure what they are exactly, but i do know there's gonna be a Mehndi ceremony, where the bride-to-be's hands and feet are decorated with..umm...mehndi. I really don't know what to call it in our "England" language...but its some sort of "inai" la...if you're Malaysian...you should know what it is! And then there's the Sangeeth which i'm told is where all the dancing and colorful costumes come on display! Can't wait for that! And the actual tying of the "thali" at the temple.

Watch out for a colorful gujju wedding photoblog!
And please do gimme some ideas for the wedding gift!

June 22, 2005

In the still of the night

You know how they say your life flashes before your eyes when having a near-death experience? Well, last nite on my way home, i was driving along the LDP and just as i was reaching the flyover somewhere near the Kelana Jaya Giant, a car appeared out of nowhere and tried to squeeze in between another car and mine, on a 2 lane flyover!I cant really explain in detail how it happened, its all blurry to me now. All i remember was blasting my car horn,swerving and cursing out loud!I almost crashed into the divider at 100kmph!No life flashes...just complete silence.....
It's like at that moment, i couldn't hear myself, the radio, the other cars horning....
just absolute S-I-L-E-N-C-E
I only remembered to breathe after reaching the KDU bridge...
I was totally freaked. I've never felt that way..at least not while driving..whole way back i was imagining myself crushed in my crashed car..and all because of some idiot who was probably drunk or who's just a complete moron!

June 21, 2005

radio ga-ga

Things are turning out to be alright after all.
Finally got started on my ASP.Net skills, and i must say, its pretty easy once you get the hang of it. Just finishing up the final touches to my page designs. Showed em' to my super and she's pretty happy with it. Yipee! Can't tell you how much it meant to me, thizz izz job satizfaction, no?

Launchcast is playing all my favourite songs today!Back to back, hit after hit..can't stop bopping my head to the beats. Which reminds me, Ginie said something about Zouk??!!??!This thursday, having myself a few shots and getting jiggy clubbing at Zouk. Sounds gempak!

Nothing much to write about la. Can't think of anything much except the damn Ear Test(or is it Sound Test..hmm...something like that la)!
Its on Light & Easy. They play a sound and you gotta guess what it is. Can't seem to get through the phone lines. The last time i was so desperate to win:

I was home alone, listening to the radio, and the minute the cue to call came on air....i made a dash for the phone in my mom's room all the way from the hall. I think one foot got tangled in the other and...*CRASH!!!!*....it was like trying to slide across the floor with a pillow..except this time, no pillow..just bare knees..scrapppeee..it hurt like crayzeeee!You figure the pain and sore knees would stop me right?no sireeee...not me..i'm goin to win the damn thing so i got up and grabbed the phone...dialing and redialing like a mad woman.
Didnt get through, and found out that my "100% sure" answer was totally incorrect.
Dad just happens to come back at that time. I open the door to let him in, sore & slightly bleeding knees, pretend nothing's happened, but i just couldnt..burst out laughing(trying to hide my teary eyes) and told him what happened. All he said was "dumb la you..mumble mumble"


June 17, 2005

These shoes ARE NOT! made for walking

There i was just a walking down the street..singing do-ah-di-di-di-di-dum-di-di-do! Not today!!!!oh nooooo...and let me tell you why.

I've never really been the type to wear strappy sandals or heels or whatever type of lady shoes. I'm simply comfy in my sneakers or overused/old loafers and of course, plain ol' thongs! (slippers ok?we'll save lingerie for another post..another time!)

* sneakers...i like! *

Now since i'm doing my training, gotta wear strappy sandals/shoes to work la right. Can't exactly wear any other foot gear with these work-y clothes. So i've been a good girl, haven't been complaining about these damn shoes causing my feet to cut and bruise and turn red...it really hurts!i dunno how ppl can stand wearing them!

My bad luck starts early in the morning. I figured the straps to my sandals were loose coz' they were old or something, just wore them to work anyway. As soon as i reach the office, a strap breaks! uh-ohhhhh...quickly y! my sis..i dunno what to do in these situations u know.

* broke something like this *

Following her expert advice, i cut off the strap and luckyly i could still use the damn sandals with another 2 remaining straps. Had to cut the strap off the left one too(didnt want to make a fashion statement did i?). Really felt like a "mentos" moment.

Fine!Drama over. At least i thought so. Went for lunch with 2 friends, and as soon as i get up from our lunch table....another damn strap breaks! Aiyooooo, felt like screaming!!!This time, i couldnt even walk!Had to drag my feet about 25 meters to the nearest shoe shop and guess wat? its a BATA shoe shop!!!! Aduiii...talk about really bad luck!What to do?Had to buy shoes. And with me being bigfoot and all, had to settle for a pair of black strappy heels which cost me 50 bucks! man, 50 bucks for bata shoes!sux bigtime!

* and bought something like this *

Wore them, looked pretty, so boughtla. Took me a few mins later back my desk to realise i had just bought 50 bucks worth of pain. not just any teeny weeny "ant bite" pain ok! It felt like 100 knives poking thru my feet!*sob*...Suffering in silence, then cannot tahan ready, i had to kick off my shoes n sit shoe-less at my desk(hope nobody noticed). Couldnt even get up to go to the loo!
Aiyo..somehow wore those damn sandals and dragged my feet home.

Such drama!Bloody shoes!A friend even suggested i keep a pair of back-up shoes at the office!

Geez.....Things like this never happen to sneakers!sigh....

June 15, 2005

Let the Music Heal Your Soul

At this moment in time(i'll keep adding when i think of more):

Best concert songs:
Lets Get It Started - Black Eyed Peas
Holiday - Madonna

Best love songs:
Love Me Tender - Elvis Presley
Unchained Melody - The Righteous Brothers
The Reason - Hoobastank ( this one's for my sis)
Natural Woman - Aretha Franklin ( even Kelly Clarkson's version is damn powerrrrrr)
At Last - Etta James(superb feelin man!)

Best break-up songs:
Take a Bow - Madonna
You've Lost That Loving Feeling - Elvis Presley
Against All Odds - Phil Collins

Best clubbing songs:
Yeah! - Usher
Scandalous - Misteeq(this one's for gracie!)
Tempted to Touch - Rupee(this one's for the purple feline!)
In Da Club - 50 cent
Turn Me On - Kevin Lyttle

*note: after a few swigs of drinks, just any song will get ya moving! and I dont like techno music so its out of my clubbing hits list! Like Em says - "NOBODY LISTENS TO TECHNO"

Best booty-shaking songs:
Crazy in Love - Beyonce
La Tortura - Shakira(requires booty, boobies, hips and mermaid like moves)
Livin' La Vida Loca - Ricky Martin
Disco Inferno - 50 cent (warning!the video has some major @$$ moves)

Best rock song:
Sweet Child 'O' Mine - Guns n Roses
You Give Love A Bad Name - Bon Jovi

Best collaborations:
Signs - Snoop Dogg feat. Justin Timberlake
Lady Marmalade - Lil' Kim, Pink, Mya & Christina Aguilera
Summer Nights, You're The One That I Want - Olivia Newton John & John Travolta
Stan - Eminem & Elton John
I've Got You Babe - Sonny & Cher

Best songs to karaoke with friends: (these ones are for my beloved ex-roomies)
My Girl - The Temptations
Hey Jude - The Beatles
Always - Bon Jovi
I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston ( major shrieking goin on with this one plus! this is for rach)

*note: Dont even try to do "Wannabe - Spice Girls"...trust me!

Best morning songs:
Wake me up before you go go! - Wham

Best songs you hate but just "happen" to know the lyrics:
Lucky - Britney Spears
and a bunch of other Britney songs!
All Rise - Blue

Best "beats":
Drop It Like Its Hot - Snoop Dogg (this one's for superman!)
Hollaback Girl - Gwen Stefani
Switch - Will Smith
Build Me Up Buttercup - The Foundations (this one's for dino!)

Best rap songs:
Most stuff by eminem is great!!
and i still like Ice Ice Baby - Vanilla Ice

Best jazzy/r&b/sometimes calming with great vocals songs:
Anything by Norah Jones, Joss Stone and Alicia Keys

Best "mom" songs:
Mama - Boyz II Men
Mama - Spice Girls
Mama - Il Vido

*note: weird they cant think of any other titles for songs for moms

Best "dad" songs:
Dance with my Father - Luther Vandross (this one's for my dad!)
My Fathers Eyes - Eric Clapton

Best "story-telling" song:
Last Kiss - Pearl Jam (this one's for dezmomo)

That's all for now folks!

June 14, 2005


My train was delayed today, so a couple of random thoughts that crossed my mind while waiting:

"Why do we always associate baby girls with the color pink and baby boys, the color blue?"

"Why dont men know how to tie ties properly and women do?"'

"Does the train ever whizz pass any train station without stopping?"

"Do i really have to go to work today?"

Any ideas?Please do enlighten me.....(i'm at work so the last one has been answered!)

June 11, 2005


Significant 11's

  • Oct 11 ( I share the same birthdate as Eleanor Roosevelt (the others weren’t really worth mentioning :D)

*obviously couldnt find my 11th bday pic!*

  • Number of players per side in a footie match

  • Ryan Giggs jersey number

* gigsy *

  • Sept 11 (2001 - Attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon)

* the massacre *

  • Ocean’s Eleven

* really cool movie *

June 08, 2005

road rage!

Like my sis always says...i am a true candidate for road rage. I tell you...the way ppl drive nowadays...just gets my blood pressure up everytime!!!!arrggghhh

Most Drivers DO:
1. Cut into lanes without looking
2. Break every speed limit
3. Talk on handphones(without hands-free kits) while driving
4. Bribe the cops
5. Beat traffic lights
6. Drive on the emergency lane during traffic jams
7. Trail behind ambulances
8. Curse and swear at everyone else on the road
9. Double park on main roads
10. Drive slow on the fast lane

Most Drivers DONT:
1. Put on signals
2. Stop/slow down for pedestrians
3. Like seeing female drivers overtaking male drivers
4. Like seeing a smaller car overtaking (specially kancil's)
5. Pay sumonses on time
6. Follow queues
7. Never admit its their fault
8. Believe in child safety while driving
9. Remember where the last parked their car(gotta blame this one on the huge carparks!)
10. Switch their headlights off

*These do's and don'ts are based purely on what i've seen happening on the road. I'm guilty of a few as well

June 07, 2005


Does anyone know ASP.Net???
I really need some help with it as i'm totally clueless!
email me if you do!



Dumbo(not the flying elephant)

I was listening to the morning crew on Hitz.fm on my way to work, and they were swapping stories about "the dumb-est thing you've done that hurt yourself". Apparently one of em' (i cant remember JJ or Rudy) decided to jump over a bar like thingy, fell and tried to save his laptop (or something like thatla..cant remember).

Anyway, it got me thinking of this one time when i was about 11 i think. That was the "riding without holding the handles of your bike" era. So i was riding just a few meters away from my house...hands by my side, not on the handles...when i suddenly thought to myself..."maybe i should try holding the handles with crossed hands!". At that time, this was a bloody bright lightbulb to me, so i tried it and a blinding sec later....i crashed into the tar road! Man...the only thing on my mind at that moment was "shit!i hope mummy doesnt find out". That was the only thing i was afraid of, even with my skin scraped, bloody and injured from the fall.

So i picked myself up, pretending that it didnt hurt and looked to see if anyone had seen the whole thing. Luckyly, no one was around so i pushed my bike back home, just hoping that my mom won't be anywhere on our front lawn. Thank goodness she wasnt but the minute i stepped into the house, there she was. Gonecase!!! Tried to hide it but i couldnt hold back the tears. My wounds were burning! She had to check my over to see where i was hurt. Not one single word of sympathy, but the look i got was enough to stop my crying.

Turns out, my whole left side was scared. A bump on my head, scrapped my shoulder and elbow, then scrapped my knee and parts of my foot, plus a real deep cut on my toe. I was ordered to just sit still while my mom got ready to get me to the doc. The next thought was "uh-oh..mummy's definitely gonna tell papa...then i'm totally dead!"...but i guess they thought the scars would jump out at me the next time i try something totally stupid, so the parents skipped the whole lecture.

Kinda funny thinking about it now.....

June 02, 2005

Work Stuff

Its the 2nd day of work, and i still havent done anything worth writing a post about.
Here's just a little of what i've been doin at the office....

I'm supposed to be looking up and learning how to handle ASP.Net but i ended up compiling a "how to use HTML" document. I'm so tired..i keep glancing at the time every minute to see if its time to go home. Sitting at some old, dirty pc which still uses windows NT!!!I cant even d/load y! but getting used to pressing f5 everytime i need to refresh a page.Hopefully i get my project requirements soon!

I ate lunch with my cuz at the cafeteria today. Looked pretty shabby but the food was edible. A piece of fried chicken, green veg and some egg plus a bottle of mineral water only cost RM3!Shocking!...I didnt even have to pay coz i've got coupons to use up by the end of this month.Not that i'm gonna save some ca$h. I'm getting 500 bucks which is all gonna end up in my fuel tank..luckyly i still come under FAMA sponsorhip..(THANX POPS!):D

Ppl here are all pretty nice. They're either bz clicking away at the keyboard or chatting on the phone..Man!You gotta hear the ringtones...sooooo cool!
Log on to www.maxis.com.my to find out more!


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