Its here! Its here!
1st of June...the day i've been talking and waiting for since beginning of December 2004 when i first registered for my industrial training...and's finally here..*yikesssssss*
Never thought it would be here so soon...its too soon and i'm not prepared. Maybe physically(haha..went to get my hair nicely blow-dried..1st impression counts!) but mentally?emotionally?i'm just stressed.
I'm nervous and excited all at the same time. So many questions are roaming like white ghosts in my mind...."am i goin to be late?"...."am i gonna fit in?"..."shit..i'm gonna screw up!". Ok, so the last one wasnt a question...*yikesss again!!!*
Everybody's're just a're not expected to know anything..they'll teach you...etc. Easy for them to say, not so easy for me. This is my first ever job(trainee or not!). I've never worked my entire life! I just bummed at home everytime the hols were on. I dunno why, but i feel really eager to impress everyone. I just dont wanna be seen as some dumb clueless trainee. I even managed to borrow books to read up about ASP.Net, VB.Net and Oracle(i'll be working on projects which deal with these software) because thanx to my wonderful syllabus at uni, I've learnt none of them.
But i'm really really excited about the whole prospect of going to work. The whole waking up at 6am, beating traffic, coming back all tired and weary, sleeping by the minute the clock strikes 10. Whyyyyyyy? Beats me..i'm just looney.
*sigh*...just hope everything goes on well...and that i dont accidently spill coffee on the boss(don't ask me...i dunno where that whole "coffee" episode came from...probably watching too many movies)
crap!its 10:15...gotta hit the sack or i'll be yawning my head off tomorrow..bye bye afternoon naps..hello panda eyes..
The Tale of Charlie
I just have to write about my all time favourite book, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. I got the book as one of my birthday presents when i was about 11(i think) and i've read it countless times.

Its about a boy named Charlie, who's poor and lives with his parents and both sets of grandparents too! He loves chocolate and he gets a bar every year at his birthday. Nearby, there's a humongous chocolate factory owned by famous choc maestro, Willy Wonka. In conjuction with re-opening his factory, he initiates a lottery. 5 lucky winners, able to find those Golden Tickets inside the choc bars, and 1 family member are admitted into the factory. Of course Charlie wins one ticket and is joined by his grandpa for the trip. The other ticket winners are Augustus Gloop(the fat kid), Violet Beauregar(the gum chewing kid), Veruca Salt(the spoilt brat) and Mike Teevee(the kid who watches too much tv) all end up in weird but deserving situations. The Oompa Loompas are the workers from Loompaland and break down into rhyming songs almost everytime they're mentioned in the book. In the end, the only remaining ticket holder is Charlie who actually inherits the factory and takes a trip in a glass elevator with Willy Wonka, which is another great story in Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator.
The best bits about the book is the way Roald Dahl has managed to come up with such descriptive, innovative, and downright weird chocolate creations. There's chocolate waterfalls, the Fudge Room and funny types of bubble gum, nuts, and lots of candy!

There was already a movie made in the 70's called
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and now, the soon to be released
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Check out the
flash website and you'll find all there is to know about the story and the characters.

Go read the book and be careful not to drool all over it. But if you're just plain lazy, wait for the movie. I just know its gonna be a great one.
Who's your favourite superhero?
Superman, Spiderman, Batman, the X-Men, Catwoman, Wonderwoman, The Flash...i could go on and on but which one in particular is the strongest or has the most powerful of all the superhuman powers?which one got you going "woahhhhh..i wanna have superpowers too!"?or how many times did your mom catch you trying to fly around the house with your cape,mask or even underwear on the outside?

Of all the superheroes, mine would have to be the one and only Man of Steel. He's got it all...super strength, speed, eye lasers, x-ray vision, freeze breath, bulletproof bod and the ability to fly.

So far, Christopher Reeve has done a pretty good job in all the Superman movies. We'll just have to wait and see if this Brandon Routh dude is up to standard.
Of course my fav is Dean Cain in The Adventures of Lois & Clark.
The movie Superman Returns is set to be released sometime mid of 2006.
Looking forward to it...and also....looking to the skies.....
Cats vs Dogs
So i've been thinking...i hate in i just can't stand the sight of cats...i see a cat anywhere near me and i have the greatest urge to hurt it!arrrggghhh..sounds like i'm some real meanie but i just can't help it. Cats are just so arrogant. They always have that "i dont give a shit" look. Their poop smells real bad, they're a carrier for all sorts of germs! and you've always gotta let them into the house. Heck, they're such a selfish jealous lot, they pee as a sign of marking territories!!!
I really tried coming up with something i can stand about cats. So far, i've only got 1...the musical
'Cats'. My sis did suggest that cats clean themselves but how yucky is licking up yourself to keep clean?Kittens are what?I thought ET was cute too!

Dogs however are number one on my pet list. They're all great companions, cute, loyal, always come to your call, they somehow sense what emotions you're going through, guard the house, lead the blind and also used as a form of therapy for illnesses. They arent called "mans best friend" for nothing you know.

Movies that make you wanna
own a dog:
1. Lassie
2. Beethoven
3. Homeward Bound
4. AirBud
5. 101 Dalmations
6. K9
7. Lady & The Tramp
8. Old Yeller
9. Benji
10. Cats and Dogs

oh well...of course its just that i'm a dog lover...i'm sure many cat lovers out there have lots of nicer things to say about em' felines...
Football at its best
The FA Cup final,
The place : Millenium Stadium in Cardiff
The teams : Manchester United vs Arsenal
The final score : 4-5(on the penalty shoot-out)
It was a game of bad luck for the devils as they were robbed of their only chance of winning a piece of silverware this season. Screw the spot kicks coz United wins as best team!
Lets hope they comeback with a killer next season.
Glory glory Man United!
It Starts....
So i've started this blog out of complete boredom of sitting at home. The funny thing is, i only decided this after 6 weeks of doing nothing. Pretty new at this so hopefully my postings arent all that bad. Its gonna be about whatever that pops into my head or just some story i've decided to share. Oh, and feel free to comment, good or bad...its fine with me!