October 24, 2007

Craving meatballs

Ikea…oh ikea…whyyyy u do this to me??
1st attempt: They ran out of meatballs
2nd attempt: They ran out of cranberry sauce
3rd attempt: They’re closed for their annual dinner!

Sighhh….what do I have to do to get my meatballs!!!

Org chart’s coming out this Friday…no surprises for moi…just that my much anticipated-possible promo is only slotted for Apr…not Jan :(
Looks like I gotta hang in here a lil longer…
Its ok…I’ve got no complaints…

Friday nights have officially been declared as pool night…any takers?
Im really starting to get used to it…although I tend to lose focus pretty fast :D
Been planning to go go-karting….but the question is WHERE do ppl go-kart?

Things have taken a turn for the worse…I feel completely violated
Note to self: NEVER ever share passwords with ANYONE….not even if life depends on it!


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