June 25, 2007

Savanh on Friday

Thank you for Friday night. I admit..I, caragata, did get a bit high in the beginning. Just then, I took a wobbly trip to the ladies, and as I sat there, doing my business….i knocked myself on the head and said “YOU cannot get high…YOU don’t get high…WE are not gonna end up in a ditch somewhere….WE are not gonna spend the night in the lockup for DUI”…and then, I wasn’t high anymore :D

We’re planning a surprise birthday party for my mom. And I have nooooooooo idea HOW to get her out of the hse, for the tents to be put up, and the caterers and guests to arrive. Some ideas have surfaced, but they’re a bit too complicated, which will definitely result in me, having my name yelled by mom, and getting ‘the’ killer stare.

PLUS I have to go order the cake. AND I cant get overly dressed because mom knows I NEVER get dressed unless I really HAVE to. Its hard trying to keep secrets from ur mom. She just knows….


At 2:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No wonder we finished 2 bottles that night!!! Fuyoo ...Even if you were high, i wouldnt have guessed it!! maybe cos we were all high as well.
Anywei, had a great time that night.

ohh..suprise bday parties.luv them!!
Happy Birthday in advance, Auntie!!


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